Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Re: Filene's

"The change in demographics of Boston during the past decade might be a bit more complicated than the Mayor let on.

According to preliminary US Census Bureau numbers, total population rose 4.8% between 2000 and 2010, from 589,141 to 617,594, or about 28,000 people.

Under 5 stayed about the same, ages 5-14 (public school aged) dropped by ~13,000 while 15-19 (public school aged, first year of college) rose by ~6,000.

Ages 20-24 (college-aged) rose by ~18,000, 25-34 (college-aged, young professional) rose by ~3,300 while 35-44 (professional) dropped by ~9,000.

Ages 45-64 (boomers) rose by 22,000. Old people stayed constant."

This is totally consistent with the demographic dynamics for the Knowledge Age (KA),the re-structured Global Knowedge Economy (KE) and the Knowledge Industy (KI) of which the Hub is the HUB (Metro or Greater Boston including Worcester, Nashua, NH,etc. -- obviously centered on Boston / Cambridge):

I] the great Research U's (aka MIT, Haaahhhhvd, and the others) attract the best and brightest from all over the globe

II] After they graduate (often after post grad degrees and sometimes even post docs) they want to stay pretty much where they are -- same neighborhoods, same bars, same music clubs, etc. -- this is a sort of binding with the college kids in a perpetual youthiness

III] Then they get married and look around at the pathertic state of urban schools (desite the B's$) and they run as fast as possible to the suburbs and exurbs to raise their famailie -- returning to the city for art, food and sports

IV] Then they move-on to second or third careers oftern in another similar KI City either in the US or perhaps if they are originally from somewhere else -- then somewhere else

V] Meanwhile the higher-up positions at U's, Hospitls, KI Businsses, are filled by gloabal recruits who may or may not have ties to Boston/Cambridge as undergrads or grad stiudents -- these higher-ups often come with young familes here there is a branching point:
A) the junior higher-ups have the younger kids and the least money so they are likely to favor the outer and cheaper suburbs -- also there is connection to the place of employment - if they work out on \Rt-128, I-93, I-495 -- thenthey will keep house out there near by -- if they work at MIT, etc -- they favor the inner suburbs (e.g. Lexington, Newton)
B) the more senior people --e.g. dept heads, project managers, CEO, CSO -- they get the fat $ so they can afford to live where they woud like to -- they also have typically older families and more desire to be near the cullture -- that translates into inner suburbs or downtown with private schools if there are school age kids

VI] Finally the empty nesters either native or more commonly imigrants to the HUB during career phase [I,II or IIi] no longer want the big house and big lawn - so they migrate inward to condos perched on the water, etc. or they leave the area when they retire

Boston / Cambridge needs to accomodate the full cycle -- the big gap right now is the loss of Phase II, Phse III because of cost of resonable housing and of course the bad side of urbanity aka Crime and Krappy Schools

Fix those things and the HUB will become the unquestioned Capital of the KE
Sorr a bit off topic -- but this one of my personal Axes which I grind regularlly

"I'm glad we're cutting education when the number of school aged children increases.... " -- unfortuantely there is no strong correlation between the cost of education and the outcome
Re: Filene's

Re: Filene's

They even laminated it. That is just too funny.
It's not funny/awesome that this hole actually exists though. =(

This month's Boston magazine has yet ANOTHER article in it about Vornado and the Filene's Hole, this time specifically targeting Steven Roth.
...No the most absurd part about the now 3-year hole in the heart of our city is the signage that still adorns it... "One Franklin, exceptional offices, stylish residences, fashionable shopping, luxury hotel." ...If you didn't know better, you'd think a luxury building was going to sprout up any minute. But of course, it's not. ...James Michael Curley has a better chance of rising from the ground than does that particular building..."

I found it online:
Re: Filene's

*Home*Business*Real Estate
Target eyes Downtown Crossing

Retailer wants flagship store in former Filene’s building

By Thomas Grillo
Thursday, September 8, 2011 - Updated 2 hours ago
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Target has set its sights on purchasing the vacant Filene’s building in Boston’s Downtown Crossing to establish a flagship Hub store that would give a major boost to the struggling shopping district.

Sources told the Herald that real estate officials from the Minneapolis-based retail giant have toured the landmark building at the corner of Summer and Washington streets several times in recent weeks and are considering making an offer on the one-time Filene’s property, which also housed Filene’s Basement.

The 1912 Daniel Burnham building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is expected to fetch about $30 million.

“It’s a beautiful building, one that has lots of cachet because of its history, and it would be an excellent fit for Target,” said Rosemarie Sansone, president of the Downtown Boston Business Improvement District, a nonprofit whose mission is to boost the area. “People can talk about the hole in the ground, but Downtown Crossing is still the hub that attracts tourists.”

If Target completes its deal, Vornado Realty Trust, which owns the property, would still sell the adjacent parcel where two newer buildings — built in 1951 and 1973 — were demolished in 2008 to make way for the $700 million One Franklin project that stalled due to a lack of financing. The blighted parcel would be available for construction of apartments, offices or hotels.

Under one scenario, Target would invest about $50 million to improve the gutted, empty building and later sell the property to an investor with a long-term lease.

“This would be a huge step in the right direction and a very significant one for Downtown Crossing,” Sansone said. “It would also be a signal to other developers to go ahead and fill the hole in the ground next door.”

Sarah Van Nevel, a Target spokeswoman, declined to comment, adding that “Target does not discuss new stores more than one year in advance of opening.”

Vornado Realty Trust did not return a call seeking comment. John Hynes, head of Boston Global Investors, Vornado’s local partner, declined comment.

But sources say Target is very interested in the property and wants to have a flagship store in a premier location downtown.

“If Target and Vornado can work out the details, the development would be different from the original proposal for one giant project,” one source said. “The hole in the ground would still be there for now, but the old Filene’s building would be filled and that’s better than seeing it sit there empty.”
Re: Filene's

Dreams do come true!! It's not a flagship Nordstrom, which I believe would solve all of DTX's problems, but I'll take it! At this point, I just want to see Burnham's Filene's building full of life again. Hopefully they will also connect it to the subway "Shopping Concourse" too!
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Re: Filene's

Great.......WOW this is so unique. Another TARGET.

Kudos to the BRA.........for their planning and processing this shit development

Actually let me rephrase the last statement.

Real fucking creative you fucking morons. I understand you have a corrupt organization called the (BRA) that doesn't mean you have to have SHIT FOR BRAINS.

I can drive down the street to go to TARGET in any suburbs why would I ever need to go DOWNTOWN Boston for anything.
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Re: Filene's


I can drive down the street to go to TARGET in any suburbs why would I ever need to go DOWNTOWN Boston for anything.

Because the people who live in city need something other than another luxury destination to buy $400.00 shoes and dine on foie gras. Do you know what a pain in the ass it is to get to threshold of hell known as South Bay? Or the Shaws at the Pru? Zip cars, taxis, busses, and subways out to the 'burbs are soooo much fun for city dwellers!

Is it unique, no. Is this a pathetic rebirth for the site, and sham of process, yes. When I'm not shopping for more luxury in my life, I'll be happy to have a place to buy normal day to day shit a few T stops away.
Re: Filene's

Because the people who live in city need something other than another luxury destination to buy $400.00 shoes and dine on foie gras. Do you know what a pain in the ass it is to get to threshold of hell known as South Bay? Or the Shaws at the Pru? Zip cars, taxis, busses, and subways out to the 'burbs are soooo much fun for city dwellers!

Is it unique, no. Is this a pathetic rebirth for the site, and sham of process, yes. When I'm not shopping for more luxury in my life, I'll be happy to have a place to buy normal day to day shit a few T stops away.

I hope they put DeMoulas in the area with an apartment complex full of SECTION 8 in one of the TOP locations in the city.

At least we know how Downtown will turn out

Not sure how Vornado paid for this site but rest assure with the section 8 apartment complex the Taxpayers will be in the shitcan once again for another development that has gone bad.

Don't worry I think the development will also include another CVS it will be right next door to the other CVS on Summer St.

Re: Filene's

Target with the hole intact is pretty much the best possible worst-case scenario we could hope for.
Re: Filene's

Hear you Rifl, and I'm no fan of box stores like Target, but I have to agree with Bos77 on this one.

A Target could have a very positive ripple effect on some of the smaller, interesting and locally owned retail spaces in DTX. There probably aren't many options to suit the size of the Filene's space and the next option might be (a BRA favorite) private first floor office lobby.
Re: Filene's

Because the pre-recession DTX as it was, or potential Neiman/Nordstroms that won't ever be, would send the hoi palloi that hangs out there away!? And clearly anyone who would visit a Target is one step from section-8. Clearly.
Re: Filene's

The hole at this point has more character than a TARGET.

The reality is BOSTON Downtown district will have no meaning or will be irreverent with the city.

This would be fine if it was Chelmsford Downtown not BOSTON.
Re: Filene's

Does it ever get tiring complaining so much?
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