Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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Re: Filene's

B if you use a polarizing filter on the lens; otherwise A.
Either way, thanks for the shots!
Re: Filene's

I agree I think something in between would be perfect. However, resizing on flickr is a pain in the ass.

According to flickr B= 1024 x 768; A= 500 x 375.
To get an 800 x 600 I need to edit each picture. I haven't found a batch edit function yet.
I'll check photobucket when I get some time.
Here is 800 x 600:

I like how this looks so if I have time I'll edit before posting, otherwise I'll stick with B
And I use a point and shoot so no polarizing filter.
Re: Filene's

Hmmm...hope that isn't asbestos fire retardant sprayed on the rafters!
Re: Filene's

Here are my shots from today, Feb 2 2008


Re: Filene's

Keep - Em Coming

I've not been down to DTX since December so this is absolutely great

You will be well placed to take those "Iconic" construction photos -- love to use the word iconic -- its so iconic a word...

Re: Filene's



Yes, the elevator is still open:


Quite the bargain:


Says it all:

Re: Filene's

Incase anyone is wondering what that red poster with the white bar is, it tell the firemen that this building is to dangersous to enter.
Re: Filene's

I always thought it was the universal 'flag' for Condemned.

Edit: A quick google search seems to prove me wrong. Huh.
Re: Filene's

this is sorta sad to see even if they building was that nice looking... I miss the X-mas window display wars
Re: Filene's

I always thought it marked the location of scuba divers. Thanks for clarifying.
Re: Filene's

No NO you've all got it wrong

It's the International symbol for No More Square Box packing crate buildings

diver's flag

I use to also think this only meant divers under water. The first time I saw it on a building was the building on Fort Point Channel between Summer and Congress. Originally there was a maritime shed built over the water on this site. The Globe had an article about the new office building that was to replace this shed and how difficult it would be to remove the shed because of all the federal laws regarding construction over a navigable waterway. Next thing you know, oops a fire and no dismantling Issues after that.

Years after the office building was finished the building started to sink and had to be dismantled. After It was emptied I saw one of those flags on the building and thought It was a joke since the building might soon be under water.
Re: Filene's

Article covering different developments in Boston, including Filenes.
Re: Filene's

Does anyone who is active in the UE community know if anyone made it inside between the time the store closed and demo got underway?
Hopefully someone did and there are some pics out there.
Re: Filene's

The black tarp will make it difficult to document the demo of this side:

This demo project is through the roof:




The writing is on the wall:

Can anyone make out what it says, or have any old photos?
Re: Filene's

Looking out my window, I can see the chaps jackhammering stuff on the roof of the central portion on Hawley St. Alot of vent work has made its way to the scrapper. When it begins to look a bit more ruinous, I'll take a snap and ask Type 001 if he will put up a photo for me.
Re: Filene's

great demo photos gotta get down there

Thanks ! !
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