Millennium Tower (Filene's) | 426 Washington Street | Downtown

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After looking at the pictures DZH22 took I noticed how much the skyline has changed already with the addition of Millennium Tower and Avalon North Station and how much more it will be changing soon and with his permission I made an edit of one of his pictures showing how the profile of the downtown skyline has changed and will continue to change. I was partially inspired by a post is saw a while back that drew a line across the top of the Boston skyline to show the plateau effect.

Here is the image:


Red- past profile
Orange- current profile
Yellow- future profile

The future one probably peaks to high but I was trying to guess how much taller the winthrop garage tower would look from that angle and it was a total guess.

Citylover --for the "Future" top -- use the height of the MT crane's cab [probably @ 750' to 770'] from DZH22's Arlington pix circa the topping off -- the boom is nearly fully tilted upward & topping out @ about 850'

From Arlington, 10/6

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With the crane down to fully appreciate Millennium Tower, I'm really struck at just how short and even squat 1 Lincoln looks now with this taller, more slender (from this angle at least) neighbor.

If you think MT makes 1 Lincoln look bad, what does that say for Radian? To think that a couple years ago that building was a significant addition to the downtown skyline...

From the north I think you can see a similar and possibly more dramatic effect on 33 Arch. The height difference is only 685-477 and yet MT just destroys it and feels at least twice as tall.

All this said I do like the staggered effect that these towers of different heights near each other give to the skyline. MT is the anchor that has made a whole bunch of recent buildings I once thought of as lame filler start to work - even Kensington.
From the north I think you can see a similar and possibly more dramatic effect on 33 Arch. The height difference is only 685-477 and yet MT just destroys it and feels at least twice as tall.

When you take into account the idiotic way that "Official Height" is determined, I think the 477' ends up being all the way to the top of the pole. This isn't that good an angle either to show just how much that extends from the rest of the building, but it's all I could find for now.

What's the purpose of the temporary railings on the T headhouse? I assume it's an OSHA/safety thing for workers working up there. But it looks mostly complete? What other work needs to be done aside from installing the permanent railings?
What's the purpose of the temporary railings on the T headhouse? I assume it's an OSHA/safety thing for workers working up there. But it looks mostly complete? What other work needs to be done aside from installing the permanent railings?

I'm wondering just when will the construction elevator shaft will be taken down from the south side of the tower.
Think of how great the matching Burnham building is going to look when it is done
I'm wondering just when will the construction elevator shaft will be taken down from the south side of the tower.

Jahvon --now that the Uber of all Penthouses [UofAP] is under agreement -- I think the elevator will stay until any big stuff that needs to be moved in to complete the UofAP -- think for example: a big hot tub or a big tree for the 2000 sq ft UofAP Sky Deck -- although I could imagine that the Crane would have been better for the tree :rolleyes:

Yes, it is true. I have purchased the penthouse! But please, do not ask to come check out the views. I don't have the time for that sort of nonsense. It's MY $37million dollar view, and I'm NOT going to share it! Go up to the Prudential skywalk if you want an idea of the kind of views I will be enjoying. (And please, do not send any drones up to peek in my windows!)
Thank you
Yes, it is true. I have purchased the penthouse! But please, do not ask to come check out the views. I don't have the time for that sort of nonsense. It's MY $37million dollar view, and I'm NOT going to share it! Go up to the Prudential skywalk if you want an idea of the kind of views I will be enjoying. (And please, do not send any drones up to peek in my windows!)
Thank you

If I order you some sushi for delivery from the PABU restaurant at the base of the tower, but the delivery guy ends up being this guy... well, to mix classic cinema references, people are covetous. They covet things.

Im watching the fenway big air comp and they are using the millennium tower as the anchor shot I guess you would call it. Pretty cool to see this slowly becoming an icon.
The glass on this building is fantastic. I walk through the Common everyday on the way to and from my office and I'm consistently amazed by how good it looks.
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