MXD II (Google Kendall) | 325 Main St. | Kendall Square | Cambridge


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
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BXP has applied to shift the office tower portion of MXD Phase II from Binney St. adjacent to the future Volpe Center site to the current site of the COOP. BBJ had reported a while back that the change is at the request of Google, which has office space in the current 325 Main and would occupy the new building.

They give 4 potential massings without a listed height, but all of them appear to be taller than the Marriott, which would put this building at about 300 feet.
I didn't realize "proto" was a part of this same project.
Thanks equilibria for finding and posting those. I am a bit confused by the reference to an 'elevated cycling track', an extensive loop which appears to be at grade level.
Thanks equilibria for finding and posting those. I am a bit confused by the reference to an 'elevated cycling track', an extensive loop which appears to be at grade level.

At one point they cite Western Ave. as the example of what they mean. "Track" in this case just means "bike lane". It would be above the curb at sidewalk level.
The food court is closed. The signage was a little ambiguous, but it appears to be permanent.
I really hope this evolves into a second rehab of Kendall Station. I believe Boston Properties was the entity that last renovated it back in the 80s, not to mention they are behind the upcoming Back Bay station mixed use project.
I really hope this evolves into a second rehab of Kendall Station. I believe Boston Properties was the entity that last renovated it back in the 80s, not to mention they are behind the upcoming Back Bay station mixed use project.

I think MIT has plans or envisions a renovated Kendall Station, though I may be wrong. There's no mention of a renovation in their description, but with the new museum they're building, there's a really sleek looking station headhouse included in the render. Link.
I think MIT has plans or envisions a renovated Kendall Station, though I may be wrong. There's no mention of a renovation in their description, but with the new museum they're building, there's a really sleek looking station headhouse included in the render. Link.

MIT is providing a new headhouse on the inbound side only. Outbound would more likely fall under BXP.
From what I can tell, based on the renders, the Sand People will be quite pleased with the design.
From what I can tell, based on the renders, the Sand People will be quite pleased with the design.


That said, I'm actually fond of the massing here. It's bulky, but I feel like it could wear it well.
This is a continued theme with this developer of providing lots of outdoor space in a commercial office building.
Granted, this outdoor space is mostly on a roof.

I meant all the balconies. You don't typically see balconies on office buildings. This seems to be a new trend developing. We've got it on both MXD buildings and on something in the Seaport (Pier 4, IIRC).
