They should probably just spend the money making this a reality instead of a 3rd bridge:

If you run more Cape Cod trains from Boston, and reinstate the service from NYC and Providence, wouldn't that eliminate the need for any more highway bridges?
The question is, could enough people be convinced to take an improved train service that bridge traffic would be a little better for the people who don't? It doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition, after all.I doubt it. Most people would not think to take public transit to get the Cape. They would rather drive and have the ability to get around to different parts of the Cape with relative ease.
No matter how bad the traffic is and how good the train service is, there are really only a handful of spots on the Cape that can be vacationed at car free. It's not just a matter of getting people to their destination conveniently. It's also how do they get groceries? How do they get to dinner? A lot of the Cape is way too spread out to do that car free. The train seems to be paying for itself though, so no reason to get rid of it, but I'm not sure it'll ever put a major dent into traffic to a place that's basically pretty rural/suburban outside of a few small spots.
They should probably just spend the money making this a reality instead of a 3rd bridge:
Clearly this thread is headed for "Insane, right it is Insane -- [weird nod] I was going to say Crazy again..." Transit Pitches
If there is to be a 3rd bridge over the canal it should be designed so that in connection with the Sagamore there can be reversible lanes for peak demand -- the best idea I've got so far is to build a 6 lane new bridge and restructure the Sagamore to 3 wider lanes
Then construct a switch:
Sagamore would provide 3 lanes counter to flow and connect 1 express lane to Rt-3 [redesignated as I-93] and 2 lanes to the new I-795 interconnecting Sagamore and Bourne Bridges with I-495
New Bridge would provide 6 lanes with flow -- 3 express lanes direct to Rt-3 -- and 3 lanes connected to I-795 [RT-25 connected to I-495 and also the Bourne Bridge]
This would be awesome...If they extended the Red line from Braintree first!!!They should probably just spend the money making this a reality instead of a 3rd bridge:
^ Isn't zapping that cloverleaf one of high priorities of DoT? Maybe I'm off-base, but that's what I thought.
Wait, the Cape Cod Canal is man-made? Srsly, I either never knew or (hopefully) just forgot?
That canal is 7 miles long. Is there anything to gain by adding a second one? Based on the transit map, it would run about 3.5 miles, following one or more current roads, hit the airport, then meet up with the Hyannis high-speed ferry?
How do you go about doing that? What route would it follow?
BTW, the next big highway project is the I-90 interchange improvement project... lest we forget so soon![]()