There was a definite chapter in heat transfer about fine of different shapes and how efficient they were at dispersing heat. Think fins on the v-twin of that bike I should be riding if not for this cold ass rain.
Heat travels from energy source to colder air/surfaces/bodies. Fins accelerate the removal of heat from the source. The larger surface area allows for radiation of heat from the energy source to the air. Works even better with a breeze. The fins also have a smaller thermal mass, and will dissipate heat quicker than a solid as well.
Something like that.
The exterior scrim will block/absorb heat prior to passing thru the windows, lowering the solar heat gain in the building. I would think they would also create a layer of warmer air outside the shell of the building to help prevent heat that wants to stay in the building from leeching out. But, just kind of spitballing there.