Here’s some concept art they put at the library entrance.The Snell Library renovation project:
2022-06-16_Institutional Master Plan Notification Form (IMPNF)_Northeastern University IMP 2013-2023.pdf | Powered by Box
They are planning to enclose the area leading to the main entrance. That has always been a dank and dark space.
They are planning to enclose the area leading to the main entrance. That has always been a dank and dark space.
Now if the city would get off its a** and approve the 840 Columbus residence hall!Magnificent!
Northeastern's building developments and architecture is miles above the very cheap crap (hello Science/Engineering value engineered dump) Harvard has started off with in Allston.
Your pics above show how they are turning Columbus Ave (of all places!) into a world class thoroughfare.
I was browsing through the BPDA site and came across this. It is the initial proposal for ISEC! Thank God more creative minds prevailed.
Northeastern University - Interdisciplinary Science Building | Boston Planning & Development Agency (
Part of me was wondering if the Matthews addition meant a sign of Cabot demolition in the next IMP, but that doesn’t really track because Cabot is currently undergoing renovations. I don’t see why they would renovate it just to tear it down eventually.![]()
2022-07-13_Presentation_Northeastern University IMP 2013-2023.pdf | Powered by Box
7.13.22 Task Force Meeting
The snell library renovation was approved recently. On slide 13 there's a timeline of project milestones NU wants to achieve. Looks like Matthews's addition is next on the list. I'm glad to see 840 Columbus is still on their minds. That project is so slow moving it's painful. And it looks like they're starting the master plan renewal process which should be exciting to see. This current master plan is 10 years old, so I'm curious to see how Northeastern envisions its campus in the next 10 years.
Also, not really IMP-related, but NU just won a court battle to expand their marine science campus in Nahant, which has been an ongoing legal battle for years now. NU has some exciting projects in the pipeline!
Nahant had some old town records presented in court that certainly hurt their case. It seems that back in 1966 when Northeastern purchased the site from the feds that it was on record that the town feared that people from Boston, Somerville and Chelsea would now feel free to use the town's beaches and open spaces. Can't have any poor people wandering through town!![]()
2022-07-13_Presentation_Northeastern University IMP 2013-2023.pdf | Powered by Box
7.13.22 Task Force Meeting
Also, not really IMP-related, but NU just won a court battle to expand their marine science campus in Nahant, which has been an ongoing legal battle for years now. NU has some exciting projects in the pipeline!
The Matthews addition was first proposed way back in 2009, long before the current IMP.Part of me was wondering if the Matthews addition meant a sign of Cabot demolition in the next IMP, but that doesn’t really track because Cabot is currently undergoing renovations. I don’t see why they would renovate it just to tear it down eventually.
The same goes for Forsyth. They’re redoing some rooms in there right now and recently completed a redo of the engineering labs in the basement. Makes you wonder what elements from the 2013 will carry over.
Nahant had some old town records presented in court that certainly hurt their case. It seems that back in 1966 when Northeastern purchased the site from the feds that it was on record that the town feared that people from Boston, Somerville and Chelsea would now feel free to use the town's beaches and open spaces. Can't have any poor people wandering through town!
Nahant's antipathy to people from the other side of the causeway bites it in ruling dismissing its suit against expansion of a Northeastern marine center there | Universal Hub
The town is only taking a portion of the campus. I believe that the land that the town wants to take is not the site of the planned new Northeastern building. Northeastern shares updated proposals to expand Marine Science Center at selectmen’s meeting in Nahant - News @ Northeastern - News @ NortheasternThe NU magazine article is clearly biased--as it should be, being an institutional publication! (and it really reads more like an attempt at an olive branch/reconciliation, than gloating--though I imagine the town feels it's way too late for that, being so deep into litigation)--but it also includes one of the most spectacular "bury-the-lede" instances I think I've ever seen:
"A separate suit in Superior Court in which Northeastern is contesting the validity of the land taking and its valuation is also pending before Judge Karp."
So, if this judge rules in favor of the municipality's attempted taking--doesn't that render this other victory by NU a completely irrelevant sideshow? Then Nahant would just simply proceed with its eminent domain, cut NU a check, and, no redeveloped marine science center--right? Any legal experts, please do weigh in....
The freshman class was 64.2% female!There was a task force meeting on 12/22. Not much new from what I can tell from the slides except for slide 22 highlighting all completed/under construction/BPDA plan submitted projects and... the Matthews Lot development. As far as I know, there hasn't been any news about that, so it's interesting that it was highlighted. Can only assume it'll be one of the first things mentioned and completed in the 2023 IMP. Also mentioned in the slides, the 2023 IMP will probably be filed this coming summer.
In the video, the highlighted ones are "ones that are completed, under review, or in discussion."
2022-12-12_Presentation_Northeastern University IMP 2013-2023.pdf | Powered by Box
Slide Deck from 12.12.22 Task Force
The freshman class was 64.2% female!