Ode to Brutalism

Montreal Metro is the one example of Brutalism that I can tolerate. It probably helps that it’s well maintained.
I agree on both points.

I don't know if you were around (I was very little, but recall it vividly) -- and I don't know that they're 100% "brutalist" per se (not fully reliant on raw/exposed concrete) -- but when Alewife and Porter stations first opened (in particular Porter) they were absolutely stunningly breathtaking. Unfortunately, unlke Montreal Metro (and, sadly, like all of the T stations, apparently from now until the end of time) they have *not* been well maintained. Complete shame, b/c those two stations were marvels.
I am young enough to only vaguely remember when the Alewife extension opened. By the time I was routinely riding through them, they were beaten up.

I briefly worked for the artist who created the Glove Cycle. She told me many stories about the work that went into their creation, and I saw some really neat photos of the installation.
I really like Stewart Hicks. not sure why he is doing these sort of gimmicky, wink wink videos now. This is the second one I've seen him do. Probably trying to appease the YiouTube algorithm like everyone else I guess.

Edit: OR he could genuinely think they are funny and I am just being a curmudgeon.
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University of Melbourne Student Pavilion



I could see a treatment like this greatly improving MIT's Stratton student center...

Don't take this too seriously. Just a silly troll. 😁
Stratton Student Center showing it's age


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It is sad that the concrete is not getting the maintenance /sealers it needs to remain in good condition. If MIT can't afford it, then no one does.
Don’t miss this long-overdue exhibition at the MET. Seeing it myself in a couple of weeks.
There's a piece about this in the New York Times today, with some good pictures from the exhibit.

I was in NYC over the weekend and saw the exhibit when I was at the Met. I'm still not a fan of Rudolph's work, but I was excited to pop in because of these conversations here. It was really interesting. And maybe the best part was just eavesdropping, listening to other people, clearly from Boston, arguing about the merits of the Government Service Center.
The Paul Rudolph MET Exhibit was great. It's getting close to the end of the exhibit, so now's your last chance to go. I hope we get to see something similar closer/in Boston some time.
I'm going to see the MET show this morning. I lived a stone's throw away from Rudolph's A&A Building (as it was then known) at Yale for a few years and loved its juxtaposition with Kahn's great Art Gallery building across the street.
