One Post Office Square Makeover and Expansion | Financial District

I think it works because its not surrounded by glass buildings. Glass towers look best in moderation when they can reflect the surroundings imo.

And there's a lot of quality, non-glass stuff around this to be reflected.

The cherry red highlights are turning out even better than I thought they would. As much as I liked Old One Post Office Square's quirky corners, I think New One Post Office Square is a big upgrade. Especially for Post Office Square's overall aesthetic. This is going to look fantastic as an autumn foliage Post Office Square backdrop.
The only thing about the old 1 POSq I miss is that fantastically '80s pink marble lobby which was done away with like 12 years ago. Google images turns up precisely zero pictures of it which is too bad because it was as decadent as they came.
The only thing about the old 1 POSq I miss is that fantastically '80s pink marble lobby which was done away with like 12 years ago. Google images turns up precisely zero pictures of it which is too bad because it was as decadent as they came.
It was horrendous what they did to that lobby. It was lovely and looked of good quality. Similar to what they did to 40 Broad Street. It had a beautiful Art Deco lobby…one of the few in the city. They replaced it with a bland white paneling. What are these people thinking? 😳
Please tell me 75 State Street's lobby is still the showcase of PoMo opulence it was when I first explored downtown on my own in the late 90s?
I always really hated seeing the lovely colorful building interiors get transformed into nothing short of white paneling and that one type of glass (like the one on the 1POS entrance nowadays)
Is there any reported timeline on this? I walked by yesterday and there is still a ton of work left. Seems easily like another additional year of work.
Is there any reported timeline on this? I walked by yesterday and there is still a ton of work left. Seems easily like another additional year of work.

Expanded PNF said it'd be done this past fall.

If I had to guess, procurement is likely really holding them up. It's a big hold-up across the board right now.
The only thing about the old 1 POSq I miss is that fantastically '80s pink marble lobby which was done away with like 12 years ago. Google images turns up precisely zero pictures of it which is too bad because it was as decadent as they came.

This is probably the only shot of the old lobby I’ve ever seen, and the only one I’ve found
I think it works because its not surrounded by glass buildings. Glass towers look best in moderation when they can reflect the surroundings imo.

Yup, it pops so much better as a change-up. The small amount of jelly in the peanut butter. Not the overdone flood like in the Seaport.
I could probably find more classic lobby images if I looked harder. That one came from a WaybackMachine mirror.
