Park 151 | 151 N First Street | Cambridge Crossing | East Cambridge

Great photos today Kz. Btw, this money shot with Sav-Mor and Mattress World in the foreground is destined for the glossy marketing materials for the new residential tower!

I feel like any shot from that angle HAS to include those signs. And if I had been feeling extra frisky I could've gotten the golden arches in there too :poop:

Lot I / 21 July 2021

As I noted in the master CX threat, Lot I earned a tree and flag this AM to signify the maximum height of its structural steel. The most visible work continues to be the erection of steel during the day and evening/night addition of the building's precast panels (the light sand color is refreshing, while the dark grey is very Forgotten Eastern Bloc). The completed height of Lot I should be 250ft to the top of the mechanical screen (13ft taller than Twenty|20) plus a fire monopole (18ft).

The narrow angle could have had real Omni Hotel energy, if only it emphasized its vertical lines instead of stupidly pocketing its windows and breaking up the facade.

Vertical lines, people. VERTICAL LINES!!!

Unfortunately thats the point, theyre trying to make it appear shorter than it is, just like every other colossal order window facade in the city. Its pretty old at this point but its par for the course. I agree though and if it looks good you shouldnt have to try to hide its height, like omni. Hopefully we move away from this soon.

That thinner side really shows that with smaller footprints these short towers can still have good aspect ratios. More, smaller lots would have created a pretty interesting neighborhood.
So is this definitely the tallest building planned for Cambridge Crossing?
So is this definitely the tallest building planned for Cambridge Crossing?

I don't think we know, most of the remaining parcels are resi and I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be similarly tall or taller, esp along the property line with the commuter rail maintenance facility. But they haven't released final designs so we'll wait and see...
