Photo of the Day, Boston Style - Part Deux

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What is the solution to that problem?

Vertical convention centers? Different orientations? Or should convention center be place outside city limits?

I always thought the convention center should have been built underground with development above it. As it was built, it's a real neighborhood killer.
Southie has always been cut off from the rest of the city, I dont get it. That's how it became the way it did.... or used to be anyways.
Boston's past haunts us wherever we go..

I love all of them, but particularly the second one (the one of P.O. Square from the 11th floor).
Holyoke Center, Cambridge

Took this photo a few weeks ago. I know it's not actually Boston, but the Holyoke Center a great example of a modern building that interacts well with its surroundings (albeit with some alterations).
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Holyoke Center, like the Prudential, is a good example of a modern building that had to be extensively changed before it interacted well with its surroundings. The Au Bon Pain was the first step -- whatever was there before it attracted very little pedestrian traffic and deadened the entire plaza.
Yes, and all those shops along the side seem to work very well. It's too bad they lost that great pizza shop on the interior, though.

Does anyone have any photos of the evolution of this building? I'd love to see the many steps it took to get to this point.
I love these things..


I can't believe those sharp edges slipped through to the final product - what were they thinking? Those protective rails are also the goofiest solution to the problem. It's hard to stay made at something so elegant, though....
very bold by boston standards... its funny when you're using these, you don't really realize it.... along with alot of the buildings, I think thats why the pictures are so nice, even if you walk by the sites everyday, I just don't pay attention...other things on my mind, watching where I'm going, watching the cute girl, rushing to be on time, talking on the phone, I dont want to feel like that idiot tourist and stare up at the buildings... not sure why
plus I dont want to feel like that idiot tourist and stare up at the buildings... not sure why

I don't think any of us who take pictures want to feel like an idiot tourist, but it sometimes comes with the territory. Personally, I maintain a sense of superiority in my head knowing that I (most likely) know the city 100 times better than they ever will. Pshh.. ignorant fools!
Not even a really good picture, but the silver line doesnt get enough love here.
PS: It was packed, green line style standing room only. As in, stomachs had to be pulled in for the doors to close.

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