Photo of the Day, Boston Style - Part Deux

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bravo, the last two pages -- you guys are doing some amazing night work!
Alot of these photos show real talent. I have seen many books with photos of Boston but have not seen some of the angles and shots of the city that have been captured and posted here.

I wonder if an Archboston photo book is possible? (raise money for a pizza party)

Anyone have any connections in the publishing industry?

or am I just thinking a little wacky/
Ledjes, that's quite a compliment there. Thanks a lot.

Endus, thats beautiful. Your site has some great stuff on it as well. Welcome to the board.
Welcome endus!

I've just spent some time on your site and all I can say is:

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Wow, endus you are amazing. That picture, and the pictures on your website are breathtaking. It is a different side of Boston, and the creativity is spectacular. Thank you for these pictures. And everyone else, thank you for all these great pictures. Archboston really should make a picture catalog/book because some of the pictures on here are like nothing I, or anyone else for that matter has ever seen of Boston. bravo!
Alot of these photos show real talent. I have seen many books with photos of Boston but have not seen some of the angles and shots of the city that have been captured and posted here.

I wonder if an Archboston photo book is possible? (raise money for a pizza party)

Anyone have any connections in the publishing industry?

or am I just thinking a little wacky/

There are self-publishing options that are pretty reasonable for photobooks.
Alot of these photos show real talent. I have seen many books with photos of Boston but have not seen some of the angles and shots of the city that have been captured and posted here.

I wonder if an Archboston photo book is possible? (raise money for a pizza party)

Anyone have any connections in the publishing industry?

or am I just thinking a little wacky/

Not wacky by any means. I know plenty of people who would buy a photo book of the images from this site, myself included.
The only problem is why would folks like bowesst and endus contribute when they could just as easily publish books of their own works?
Because it is expensive to publish a book. If we all chipped in then the loss wouldn't be so great to one person if it didn't sell well (just being realistic).
Because it is expensive to publish a book. If we all chipped in then the loss wouldn't be so great to one person if it didn't sell well (just being realistic).

it can be expensive to publish a book. probably is for books with pictures.

however, if it were a serious consideration I would suggest looking into the options before reaching any firm conclusions. I've done publishing with on-demand printers that put out quality product at unit cost+, leaving the publisher to set their royalty -- without up-front charges. Unfortunately my experience was with educational materials where the cover was the only color/glossy so I don't know what you would find if you looked.

another consideration is that it is darned hard to do a book right. the printing i oversaw was pretty simple stuff, really, and it wasn't a cake-walk. my wife was a high-end textbook editor on some very complex books and it was far more work than I had imagined. i'd assume a handsome photo book would be on the tougher end.

still, would be great to get some of these in print. maybe with prose by Ablarc...
I swear didn't Bowesst take that picture or something similar to that around 1 to 2 years ago?
Yeah I think it was him. Here's another from that set I had kicking around on my hard drive. I'm pretty sure the pictures were taken about a year ago.

sorry bout that then, I found it on google image and didn't remember seeing it here yet so I posted it.
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