Photo of the Day, Boston Style: Part VII (2014)

Nice pic Gooseberry, I really like pics that show off the housing stock with the skyline as a backdrop. Is that from Boston Medical Center?

Ya, it is from an apartment in 860 Harrison Ave, which is a residential building that is part of that complex. I want to take some picks with a real camera instead of a cell phone next time I am over there, but I think the graininess adds to the mood in this case.
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Second image is my view from 177 Huntington Ave (on the Christian Science Plaza). I'm working at Wayfair for the next five months.

funny how all that snow is already gone :)^ today along the Charles
So for the first time ever (not that I tried before but) I saw some of these infamous "No Pants" subway people though they obviously weren't on the subway. This was Sunday, BTW


Check out the girl's face on the

this is excaxtly where I saw them on Sunday when I went to Trader Joes
So I really, really like the Colorized History section over at Reddit, where people take old black and white photos and add color to them. I've had a program good enough to do such work for a while now but never took the plunge until yesterday.

The original pictures comes from the City of Boston Archives over on Flickr, and it shows Huntington from Longwood on September 10, 1948:


Mine after a couple hours...keep in mind this is my first stab at this sort of thing. I haven't even begun to color in the building at right.


And today's scene...I was happy to see that the pole and perhaps the junction box are the same!

Nice work, kz1000ps! I'm sure they'd like this over at /r/boston when it's finished too.
Update 2:

First, here's my first round attempt


And now the newest version


Anyone know what kind of bus that is or what color it might have been? I'm stumped on what livery to give it.
funny when folks post pics of the subway and u recqonize the people in the picture cause ur a rider urself :)
