These date back many years, back to when Menino was trumpeting his great new tallest tower in Winthrop Square....
good god, i think i vomed a little after looking at renderings #2 & 3
These date back many years, back to when Menino was trumpeting his great new tallest tower in Winthrop Square....
Boston needs more hotel space
Grow some balls people.
Of course, Renzo Piano's original rendering of Trans-National Place, which the above are based off of:
we should be able to get [close to or slightly over 900'] near the West End/North Station...
...we should be able to get that type of height...... at the parking garage on Dalton....
Parcel 15 looks way better now though.
Height was slashed next to the Garage at Parcel 15 for a project that needs all the height it can get (to pay its way).