I hate to say it but Odurandina was right. (if annoyingly off-subject and out of scope, which is why he was eventually booted) After South Station Tower it's going to be a long time before we see another 500'+ tower built in Boston. A new tallest? Forget about that ever happening. The current crop of mayoral candidates are dreadful when it comes to bold constructions prospects. Back to the dark ages, except of course for 250' square blob buildings. Those will never stop being built.
All that momentum, ground to a screeching halt. Ouch. At least we're getting what we're getting but...
-1 Bromfield, could have been great by fixing street level, won't be post-overhaul
-Copley Place Tower - WTF?!?!
-Aquarium Tower - WTF?!?!
-Hub on Causeway Residential, supposed to be area's peak, instead cut, disappointing, whole area is now a blob.
-Winthrop Square Tower, can't believe they couldn't break 700'
-Parcel 15(?), should have broke 600', too much cut from 544' proposal, dead for a while
-Hawley proposal, why insist on something so short when remedial necessities plus FAA say make this taller than Winthrop Square?
-North Point, 1000' FAA zone, no NIMBY neighbors to complain, capped at 250' and everything is SO FAT!
-Volpe, could have been iconic tower, won't break 500'
-That garage on Lincoln street, proposed to be a short fat lab building in a 600'+ zone downtown!
Am I missing anything major? Even with the unprecedented boom, at the top level the disappointments outweigh the successes! That's Boston doing Boston!