Plan Nubian Square Parcel P-3 (née Tremont Crossing) | Roxbury


Active Member
Feb 28, 2007
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1M sq foot building proposed near Ruggles T stop:

Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

That looks awesome. The design is tame but will still be a boon for the are.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

Look at the bloody size of that thing...four levels of shopping with 500,000 square feet? Really?
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

The scale is fine, but the architectural grammar is appropriate to an extortion letter. The same polystylistic approach mars 1330 Boylston Street.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

The first rendering is completely deceptive...this project is like an iceberg. What you see in the first render is the 10% that's above the surface of the water.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

The first rendering is completely deceptive...this project is like an iceberg. What you see in the first render is the 10% that's above the surface of the water.

I don't see the problem. It's inherently a landscraper, and in this area it's not so bad to fill out an entire empty area with development. But what they've done is thrown a nicely varied streetwall against its most visible and prominent frontage to disguise that fact. I think that's aesthetically clever, not deceptive.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

This is epic. Some retail will be great for this area. The side/elevation shown looks great, but I worry a bit about the other sides. They could fall victims to the Providence Place Effect.

Northeastern students will totally eat up a mall like this with the right stores and food options. Would love to see H&M as an anchor tenant. Possibly Forever 21 or XXI Forever too. This would also provide great job opportunities for students and even local Roxbury residents. I've worked at CambridgeSide and FHM/MC with friends that go to NEU (and WIT for me) and the commute is just miserable.
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Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

I HATE to say this, but is this proposal TOO ambitious for this area? You're gonna get financing for 1M SF over 8 acres in Roxbury? Really?
Sometimes it's ok to walk before you run.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

Finally the kind of development a heavy rail corridor should be sprouting.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

This proposal obliterates what's left of the Robert White Fund Health Unit building and the ruins of nice park which once existed behind it. Still better than an overgrown lot full of discarded heroin paraphernalia though.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

This is epic. Some retail will be great for this area. The side/elevation shown looks great, but I worry a bit about the other sides. They could fall victims to the Providence Place Effect.

Northeastern students will totally eat up a mall like this with the right stores and food options. Would love to see H&M as an anchor tenant. Possibly Forever 21 or XXI Forever too. This would also provide great job opportunities for students and even local Roxbury residents.

Even Roxbury residents? That's very white of you.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

These guys have committed to paying $3psf annual all sorts of other bullshit...that would render a value of $30mm to $45mm for this site. I'm not holding my breath.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

JonFrum, that area currently is the one of the major centers of the heroin trade in Boston. Please excuse anyone for being wary of interacting with the locals because of that. Especially when mixing population involved is typically suburban and not streetwise enough to feel comfortable outside their comfortable element. I also find it amusing that you'd think local residents wouldn't happen to enjoy many of the same stores as the boring suburban kids at NU.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

I hope it works...but what 500k sf tenants are going to fill it up? It seems outrageously optimistic to me.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

That is true. 500k is ridiculously large. A typical H&M is 20-30k. A typical Macy*s (ex-Filene's) is 200-250k. 500k GLA is half of Square One or the Silver City Galleria.

This is my stupid dreaming at work again, but I'm still craving a JCPenney for Boston. They stuck one in Queens... They could stick one in Roxbury too.
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

I don't see how this area can handle the traffic big box stores would bring. Also Menino won't alow anything to compete with his rebuilding of Dudley Square.

http://www.bostonredevelopmentautho...Crossing (P-3)/Tremont Crossing (P-3)_PNF.pdf

This proposal obliterates what's left of the Robert White Fund Health Unit building and the ruins of nice park which once existed behind it. Still better than an overgrown lot full of discarded heroin paraphernalia though.

There is a huge heroin epidemic in this country that has gone under the radar so far. I live near Mass Ave and Washington St and it's full of zombies all day especially around 11 am when they leave the clinics. They frequently exchanging meds in front of my building. Watched one step in front of a car a few weeks ago, ambulance driver said he was high on heroin. I see drug dealing all the time in Blackstone Sq, at Hites on Washington and the Pine St Inn on Washinton St. Recently i've seen an increase in people speeding down Worcester Sq and E Springfield St, I can only assume it for the drug dealing from the pay phones on Shawmut. I've heard that Ramsey park is out of control. I've also see winos being used as couriers.

Record production in Afganistan.
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Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

This is the rebirth of Ruggles Place, no?

The office space seems as out of sync with demand as much as retail does in this space.

But, what do I know? I was skeptical of South Bay and it's ridiculously successful.

What a great location for a Walmart supermarket!
Re: Tremont Crossing in Roxbury

Look at the bloody size of that thing...four levels of shopping with 500,000 square feet? Really?

Sidew -- the big square-ish 4 story thing is mostly parking -- I'm guessing that the retail is wrapped around the parking

1 M sq ft:

1) 200,000 for offices
2) 1,700 parking spaces -- 325 sq ft / space (average) = 552,000
3) Museum = 30,000
4) residential 240 units x (500 sq ft /unit average?) = 120,000
4) retail = 1,000,000 - 200,000 - 552,000 -30,000 - 120,000 = about 100,000

That's a lot more reasonable for that location
