^ I am in total agreement with you and if you read my earlier post I would have staggered the heights of all of the buildings. Now that some time has passed I am not as disappointed as I originally was. After talking to some fellow Portland enthusiasts I am now looking at the project in a different light. Though it does not meet my height desires, I am embracing the fact that it will improve a neglected and desolate portion of Bayside and the influx of 440-600 new residents will only help the continued growth of downtown Portland in the long run. I think I am more annoyed with the Westin Event Center not getting approved for Congress Square, this project at least looks like it will actually happen and not in phases as originally planned.
Lewiston, Bangor, Portsmouth, Burlington or even Manchester would love to have a residential/retail project of this magnitude build in their downtown areas. If it was an individual office tower proposal in the center of the city that got short changed through the NIMBY process I would be much more upset. As far as the 20 story signature building, maybe someday on Congress Street to the east of City Hall where it belongs and will also meet current height limits. In the meantime, I just add the number of total floors of Canal Plaza's buildings which gets me to 20 and it makes me feel a little better. Or I add One and Two Monument Square together and I . . . . . . . . you get the point!