Quincy General Developments

That is a nice block that has stood intact thru the bad old days and I think the "pocket park" will be a traffic island that just enlarges the intersection and detracts from the streetscape. Improve the parks you have right across the street, they aren't optimal

The statues thing is just nuts; Quincy is historically unable to build a police station without it being architecturally controversial. Quincy once had a great mid-century police station that they strangely slapped a Po-Mo addition on to in the 80s and now they have built what looks the Tuscan manor of crime prevention

Does anyone know why that strange granite house on Quarry Street was built? Perhaps to store explosives? Maybe some guy built himself a house with what was lying around in the woods? Teenage me would ponder this on the way to Burger King from the quarries. I am happy about the development, but sad to see a house that could last a thousand years, get torn down
Found it! 92 Willard Street is the only granite house in the city of Quincy. It was built in 1830 and it used to be really attractive. There is a picture of it with porches:

Wow, that's gorgeous. My reflex is always anti-preservation but I'm having a hard time here when it's a meh development in a very highway oriented area.
