Recent visit to Portland

I think they're trying to spread it thin at this point. It's been a tough winter so far, with a lot of icy storms in January that took up a lot of the salt supplies.
Haha, thanks. Despite the ice, we made it around and had a decent time.
If I lived here, the holy donut would rapidly kill me with heart disease, I suspect. Very dangerous!
Is there a thing against salting sidewalks here, btw?

Unfortunately, most of the peninsula sidewalks are treated by third parties with very wildly different degrees of success. One block will be spotless and nicely salted while the next is a ice rink. It is predicable after every storm. Even though there are certain areas that the city tries to prioritize, it is the property owner's responsibility to keep the sidewalk clear. Not all of them seem to care anything about public safety, or even the ability for the tenants/customers of the building to access to it.

I guess that makes me wonder where the liability is if I slip on that huge wad of ice that is perpetually growing out in front of the new Art Mart space on Congress.
