Seaport Neighborhood - Infill and Discussion

Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport


That's a dog-walking 'lawn'. Note the fake fire hydrants, and heat lamps.

The white sign reads "Pet Relief Area | 100 Pier 4 | Residents Only"

This faces the 'continuation' of northern ave on pier 4.
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

Looks like a disheartening dog park. Looks like a ton of freedom for those animals that live in the area.
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

I wouldn't call it uplifting for the people, either...
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

I wouldn't call it uplifting for the people, either...

How many toilets would you call "uplifting for the people"? Because that's what this is: a dog toilet. It's not a "dog park", it's a place to take your dog outside for a minute to piss.
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

The point is that it's a suboptimal location for a dog toilet
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

I think it's shitty.
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

What city is this ? Looks like Wilmington Delaware
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

Wilmington, DE would salivate at the thought to have anything resembling the Seaport as part of it's city as would most other American cities.
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

Nothing wrong with Welmington, DE. Most American companies are incorporated there.
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

Entirely because it is such a nice place.

Delaware's also got some uniquely permissive tax laws that make it unusually attractive to incorporate there.

But, yeah...Wilmington's highly underrated in its own right. And positioned with exceptional convenience between NYC and D.C., which helps a lot for a company HQ to manage satellite offices on the East Coast. Wilmington's NEC stop is the #11 busiest Amtrak stop nationwide, amongst a murderer's row of the usual-suspect Northeastern and California heavy-hitter hubs (in order: NY Penn, D.C., Philly, Chicago, L.A., Boston-SS, Sacramento, Baltimore, Albany, San Diego, Wilmington). Versus its relatively middling population and density it punches well above its weight as a business travel destination on either coast's megalopolises.
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

FWIW, most business entities are incorporated in Wilmington b/c corporate legal jurisprudence is taken very seriously there - they have their own "chancery" division that takes all business law cases. Taxes aren't very relevant - LLCs and LPs pay a $250 fee each year and there is an 8.7% corporate rate on income derived from activities in Delaware. This is not out of sync with most states. (Recall that GE moved to Boston in part because Hartford wanted to tax it on its worldwide income as the federal government currently does; this was viewed as lunacy and as the final straw.)

What is perhaps most relevant is ownership secrecy. I could appoint any of you to file my Delaware LLC paperwork with their Secretary of State and local law would prohibit anyone else from finding out I in fact own the LLC. Other states, like Massachusetts, don't work that way.

These companies keep the equivalent of PO boxes at corporate filing companies and local law firms, one of which is appointed registered agent for lawsuits.

Basically Delaware is the Cayman Islands of the United States.

Sorry for the thread derail, but in my 10 years of practicing law I kind of always pictured Wilmington as a shitty Grand Cayman. And no that picture does not resemble the Seaport.
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport


That's a dog-walking 'lawn'. Note the fake fire hydrants, and heat lamps.

The white sign reads "Pet Relief Area | 100 Pier 4 | Residents Only"

This faces the 'continuation' of northern ave on pier 4.

CSTH -- Good News for both the dogs and their caregivers -- not likely to have your pooch snatched by a hungry coyote [just happened in Arlington near to Menotomy Rocks Park, the Park with the Boston Skyline View]
Re: Innovation Dist. / South Boston Seaport

Sure hope that the Clever folks at GE and Gensler have figured out how to make the GE HQ visible from Logan through some view coridor
