Re: Shreve, Crump & Low bldng may be replaced w/ new develop
Shirley and I stuck around to the bitter end. I spoke to a few of the BRA board members who didn't scurry out of the meeting room at the moment the gavel hit the table-top. I asked if they were interested in further discussing the efficacy of Druker's proposal. They asked if I'd attended any of the public comment meetings, and I told them I'd been at every meeting since June, at both the BPL and City Hall. They suggested that I speak with
Jay Rourke, the BRA's point-person on the project. I told them that with all due respect, Mr. Rourke was a horse's ass, in that he conducted himself in a patently unprofessional manner a two of the meetings that I attended, was dismissive of the opinions (and participation) of members of the community (in particular, our own
itchy), and behaved as a
de facto shill for Ron Druker. One of the members took some umbrage at my questioning the integrity of a BRA staffer. Suffice it to say, we agreed to disagree.
I don't think this is over. The media is key. As you can see from Shake's post above, he's pissed. I look forward to some caustic editorializing.
I look at the process around this project, and it stinks like last weeks codfish. The failure to landmark these buildings by the folks who are entrusted with protecting them is shady. I can't prove collusion -- can anyone?
As briv said many pages above: "If this building meets the wrecking ball the preservationist movement in this city is a worthless joke." And consider, if Druker gets his way, what we're going to end up with -- a building that is completely devoid of any architectural merit. Shouldn't "quality control" be part of the BRA's charge, as custodians of our built environment?
So if we lose these buildings, let this be our Alamo. Let the process, and its sad outcome be the loose brick that brings down the Great Wall of Mumbles. For those of you who care about architecture, urbanism, and historic preservation, shut off your computer and go to meetings, wherever you live. If you don't like the game, change it!
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