Somerville Infill and Small Developments

No bueno. Good Gas is misnamed in that it’s great and the staff rules. May not be pretty or address housing needs, but fact is you need a gas station and excellent mechanics.
Good Gas residences @ 345 medford st, behind the glx stop at somerville hs. 52 units 5500sqft retail.
Is this a recent update? When last I'd checked in on this project it was in limbo due to a lawsuit from the adjacent Piano building. Similar noise facing the ABJ lot on the east side of the Piano building. That owner's plan was to circumvent quibbles about zoning by making his project affordable housing.
Is it just me or is the perspective way off in that second image? Looks like the start of that city folding scene in Inception.
There is a mobil directly across the street so ppl will still be able to get gas. No garages tho.

that's slated to be redeveloped soon, too, though. and, yeah - no garage. but that crappy convenience mart, 'fuel fox' is the de facto grocery store for a lot of people, particularly older people, in the neighborhood, so hopefully whatever goes in will have some type of retail/food.
205 Beacon St has to be the most elusive development project in Somerville right now. The only information I can find online is a demolition hearing from Summer 2020. Steel is already rising though and it's MUCH larger than the 2 family house and empty lot that were there before. Am I not looking in the right locations for information on this? Very curious about it.
205 Beacon St has to be the most elusive development project in Somerville right now. The only information I can find online is a demolition hearing from Summer 2020. Steel is already rising though and it's MUCH larger than the 2 family house and empty lot that were there before. Am I not looking in the right locations for information on this? Very curious about it.

it’s one of those By Right projects, which means it doesn’t need any community review. 4 story 11 unit condo building. You can find its permits here:
Here’s a quick summary screenshot

Handsome. The triangular projections lifting off the facade are a creative, unique detail giving this some welcome distinction.

Disagree (this looks like something I'd build in The Sims, then delete and start over because it's half-baked), but what the triangular projections do accomplish with their green underside is acknowledging the steep slope of Central Street that will have pedestrians looking up at it as they approach.
No bueno. Good Gas is misnamed in that it’s great and the staff rules. May not be pretty or address housing needs, but fact is you need a gas station and excellent mechanics.

Those 52 new households with zero parking spaces aren't going to need any gas stations or mechanics ;). Good riddance. The faster we tear down ICE vehicle infrastructure, the better.
