Somerville Infill and Small Developments

5 is nice, but there's a 12 story building right across the street....

View attachment 37897
12 stories kind of falls into the dead zone of the development market today due to economics. You either go 4 or 5 over 1, or much higher.

The building across the street is public housing, so not subject to the same developer economic math.
Were these memorials/monuments here at the old building too? Either way, they look great (and quirky - I think that’s someone’s bedroom windows behind them) out front of this building . Also that’s a super cool dump truck.

Secant piles are useful when you have to build the load-bearing foundation wall in a confined area. In this case, it allows them to build it at the property line, or possibly avoiding contaminated soils.
Cabinets to the ceiling paired with high ceilings are fabulously useful. Yes, you need a stool to get stuff out of them, but it's a great place to stash infrequently needed stuff.

Also no dust shelf on top
