Somerville Infill and Small Developments

The permits and design are for 12 units, but they appear to have pushed the left side back from the street, which would appear to remove 2 units.
I’m all for adaptive reuse, even if it’s a dispensary…but can this building can actually be revived? It sorta looks like it’s rotting…

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The brickwork on the corner screams “classic Boston townie pub”. Did they find any of Whitey’s victims stuffed in the walls?
Yeah I don’t get it. There’s a house around the corner from me that’s been taken down to the studs for a renovation, and they’re using brand new fiberboard for the extension, but reusing the ancient gross brown wooden panels (full of random holes I might add) for the existing structure. It can’t cost THAT much to replace that too, can it? Or if you take it off, do you need a permit for a demolition and new construction?
