South Boston Infill and Small Developments

This illustrates why new developments often seem so sterile: trees! Look at the picture with the new saplings just planted vs the street with older mature trees. A huge difference. Sure the buildings are a little plastic looking but once they mature as well this should be a fine development.
This illustrates why new developments often seem so sterile: trees! Look at the picture with the new saplings just planted vs the street with older mature trees. A huge difference. Sure the buildings are a little plastic looking but once they mature as well this should be a fine development.
Totally argee with you Van. In phase I they bulldozed all the trees along with the old project buildings and today it still looks naked and sterile 3 years later.
I love what is happening with this part of South Boston. Rumors I've heard around the neighborhood is Cornerstone sold to a developer and is next on the chopper. And the empty lot adjacent to it is set to be a 10+ story hotel I believe. Lots of dense residential coming in around A Street between 2nd and W. Broadway as well.

What kind of sucks is that it just abruptly dies going south on Dot Ave after crossing West 4th as there is a giant MBTA facility and a hodge podge of commercial/light industrial buildings. Would be nice to see the residential spread all the way down that corridor to Andrew Square.

Would also be nice to get pedestrian access on the stretch of Dot. Ave b/w Gillete and Summer Street.
What kind of sucks is that it just abruptly dies going south on Dot Ave after crossing West 4th as there is a giant MBTA facility and a hodge podge of commercial/light industrial buildings. Would be nice to see the residential spread all the way down that corridor to Andrew Square

Developement inevitably will spread down Dot ave. If the MBTA was smart, they'd sell that parcel and move the facility elsewhere. They also need to move the bus stop away from the Broadway stop somehow. Even if it's just across the street towards gilette. That intersection is a disaster with all the buses coming in and out.
Developement inevitably will spread down Dot ave. If the MBTA was smart, they'd sell that parcel and move the facility elsewhere.

I seriously doubt you are going to see all that MBTA infrastructure moved (along with the City of Boston and Amtrak infrastructure around there). Remember, those parcel back up on the Cabot Yards and Widett Circle, and the major south side rail maintenance facilities.

You really need places in the city to maintain the trains, busses, snow plows, etc.
^ It's really just the bus yard that has to go, not everything else. More specifically, just the street fronting part of the yard. If the T was smart they would sell the air rights above the bus yard, letting it be redeveloped and making Dot Ave less of a craphole, but still retain space for fleet maintenance.

It wouldn't be any more complicated for the developer than building a (tall) parking garage.
What kind of sucks is that it just abruptly dies going south on Dot Ave after crossing West 4th as there is a giant MBTA facility and a hodge podge of commercial/light industrial buildings. Would be nice to see the residential spread all the way down that corridor to Andrew Square.

A lot of those properties are quite contaminated. So it's much cheaper to keep industrial/flex uses on them than to remediate the site and try to put in residential.
Lot of new proposals in the West Broadway area:

170 West Broadway:


150 West Broadway:


39 A St:
