South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

czsz said:
I'd rather have something flattish to continue the Hancock-Pru axis, as the tower originally proposed for Mass Ave & Boylston would have done. 111 Huntington is an aberration in the Back Bay, IMO. It probably would have worked better downtown.

This is exactly why downtown sucks. People are afraid to mix in different styles and instead we're stuck with 400-500 ft. boxes.
czsz said:
I'd put it over the pike in front of the (former) Tower Records building, then add another lit-crown 30-something story tower in the direction of Kenmore to balance 111 Huntington. That would make for a great view crossing Harvard Bridge or strolling along Mem Drive.

I'd rather have something flattish to continue the Hancock-Pru axis, as the tower originally proposed for Mass Ave & Boylston would have done. 111 Huntington is an aberration in the Back Bay, IMO. It probably would have worked better downtown.
Are you kidding me? 111 Huntington Avenue is no doubt the best building designed and stuffing it into DT will virtually make it invisible with all the same height towers blocking it.
Wow, I never made a negative comment about the building itself; I only said it was, in my opinion, in the wrong location.
About Emporis (of which, if you all don't already know, I am am an editor), 111 Huntington did receive the 3rd place prize in the 2002 Emporis Awards (at the time, awards) with 3988 votes. The 1st and 2nd prize went to Kingdom Centre (6249 votes) and Post Tower (4122) respectively.

To be honest, one of the largest reasons that 111 Huntington was "doomed" from the getgo to take the top prize is because it was not a supertall skyscraper. Rarely does a building under 800 feet even make it into the top 10.

Also, when deciding on the awards, we are urged to look at the building itself. The context of the building and/or the setting may not be taken into account when voting. However: keeping in mind that there are 802 members on this site (only 291 (36%) from the United States, and only 4 editors/5 photographers listing themselves as knowledgeable in Boston), those voting must rely on the pictures of the buildings. Many of the photos may make the building look almost magical, with its reflecting pool and next to the CSS and Pru. Point being: I believe that those voting DID take into account the setting (its immediate surroundings), because I believe that they had to rely on the photographs of the building.
Kingdom Centre:


Post Tower:

I like the second one (is that moscow?), but not the first.
The first one looks like that thing they sell to clean your tongue, or a potato peeler.
Haha, agreed Nico. I like the Kingdom Centre in a weird "wow that is an out of the ordinary building", but from a practical standpoint all I can think of is "what a waste of space".

The second one I do like though.

I still don't know how people can think 111 Huntington is out of place in the Back Bay. I personally think that it fits better there than downtown. Downtown with it's height being about 550 it would be lost among the sea of 500 footers. I think downtown could use a 111 Huntington that is about 700-800 feet like the BoA especially with buildings like SST and maybe Transnational Place to give the skyline different styles and mix the height better.
I believe Kindgom Centre is the best hands down and that it is not a waste of space. Kindgom Centre is a bold tower, something that maybe SWFC might have gotten its inspiration from. It is a unique design that no other tower share. I think Post Tower definitely did not deserve 2nd place becuase it is so plain. It's just a semi-circle glass tower. Where's the inspiration in that? It is not unique and its very bland. You can practically put this tower in any major city and it will not stand out.
I like Kingdom Centre, although it does remind me of the tongue thing like nico said lol Also to what BostonSkyGuy said about 111 Huntington, I completely agree with you about it fitting in the Back Bay. It fits a lot better in the Back Bay than it ever would in Downtown. I like that the Back Bay has a lot of different looking buildings compared to Downtown's box buildings. Also it 111 Huntington looks good next to the Pru and also it is cool to have another tall blue building in the back bay like the Hancock tower. 111 Huntington is a great building in general, and i think it would look great anywhere (and i would personally like to see a building like that in downtown also) but I think it is right at home in the Back Bay.
Kindgom Centre is a bold tower, something that maybe SWFC might have gotten its inspiration from. It is a unique design that no other tower share.

Except, maybe, the Shanghai World Financial Centre?


One of the reasons I dislike seeing 111 Huntington in the Back Bay is that it softens the drama of the Pru's vertical thrust. The Pru simply doesn't appear as tall when juxtaposed to 111 Huntington, and any crown effect the latter might provide in the skyline is softened by being dwarfed by the Pru.
A Kingdom Centre replica is a perfect match for the South Boston Waterfront. If the FAA complains, tell them to fly the planes through the hole!! :lol:
Plus, there will be a giant hole in the shadow it casts on the 4 people who live there!
castevens said:
Plus, there will be a giant hole in the shadow it casts on the 4 people who live there!

Incorporate it into winthrop square and the Nimby's will have no argument about shadows on the common!!!
czsz said:
Kindgom Centre is a bold tower, something that maybe SWFC might have gotten its inspiration from. It is a unique design that no other tower share.

Except, maybe, the Shanghai World Financial Centre?


One of the reasons I dislike seeing 111 Huntington in the Back Bay is that it softens the drama of the Pru's vertical thrust. The Pru simply doesn't appear as tall when juxtaposed to 111 Huntington, and any crown effect the latter might provide in the skyline is softened by being dwarfed by the Pru.
Plz note that I said SWFC might have gotten its inspiration from it. SWFC=Shanghai Financial Center. And so far SWFC is not completed yet, thus it still has a unique design that no other tower shares.
TheBostonBoy said:
I like Kingdom Centre, although it does remind me of the tongue thing like nico said lol
Looks more like a bottle opener to me. :eek:
