South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

it is extremely unlikely that this project will formally break ground within the next year
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

I honestly wouldn't be missing much if this didn't get built, it screams Charlotte the way the Renaissance Seaport Hotel screams "done on the cheap".

Yeah, I agree. I want something done that fills the gap between what Transnational place will be and what the rest of the Financial District is... something in that 7-900 foot range (yeah, i'm dreaming, i know). I was hoping the initial height and rendering would be kept before the FAA demanded that it be lowered.

Eh, progress is progress and a new tower that's not destroying or re-shaping the area is O.K. with me i guess.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

tenant demand is far too low for either of those projects to get built for many years
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

well, the office market is the strongest it's been in a long while and getting stronger. If you wait a few years that might not be the case. I can't think of a much better time to build these projects than now.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

Batterymarch, where do you get your info?
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

One reason that I hope construction starts soon: it will increase the size of the bus terminal, which is now beyond its capacity and has no room for any additional bus lines.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

Here's an excerpt from a recent story concerning the project posted on South Station's website:

A Developing Story: Boston keeps evolving with new construction projects
November 1 2007

"In the future, when Greenbush commuters arrive at South Station, they will be greeted by a 49-story, 1,000,000-square-foot office tower, a 200-room hotel, a 150-unit residential condominium building and a nine-story, 500,000-square-foot office building.

This project also includes the expansion of the South Station bus teminal and parking for about 755 cars. The tower and terminal expansion have both been pre-certified as ?Silver? under the U.S. Green Building Council?s LEED rating system, which is now a requirement for large construction projects in Boston.

Construction on the tower is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2008, with an expected construction period of three years."
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

Where the hell are you getting that info?
One of Batterymarch's first posts here announced that construction work had stopped on Columbus Center, which he then backed off from after others replied that wasn't the case at all.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

Everything I've read indicated that office demand is high for Class A office space. However, the general belief is that if all the towers that are approved were to be constructed, there will be a glut of office space. So, I think it is basically a race to see who can build the fastest. Since Fan Pier and Russia Wharf have started construction along with Filene's redevelopment, South Station better get on the ball or they will be stuck with an empty space. The pipeline is starting to get full.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

I was at South Station today. There is a small drilling rig there to do bore holes, and an MBTA sign apologizing for the construction inconvenience. The sign indicates that the developer is Hines and the contractor is Clark. Clark mainly does work in the Metropolitan Washington DC, though they did the Fan Pier Federal Court House and the new convention center.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

so what does this mean?

It usually means they are soon to start serious construction. The drilling rig is parked in a fenced off area by the Atlantic Ave stairs; there is at least one location at the head of the platforms where they are drilling. That the contractor was named as Clark and not some geophyisical or geochemical test boring company usually suggests that the boring is being done under a construction contract for the building itself, and not as part of preliminary architectural/design work. JF White (general contractor) is doing similar drilling for Columbus Center and they are the prime contractor for the slab; Turner (general contractor) has finished similar, though more extensive, drilling for Harvard-Allston in the past week, and will be installing the slurry plant for the excavation wall this week.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

It's probably also worth noting that they said this project would start in late 2007 and then early 2008. IMO all the rumblings at the site over the past few months suggest the SST is really going to happen.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

Good. It is about time. There have been plans of sort for a tower here at least since 1979, when I arrived in Boston.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

^Ya, i agree, thank god! Finally this baby could go up, and this tower really represents this "boom" in Boston. It is the tallest of all new construction, and it will transform the skyline from Boston Harbor. I am really excited to see this go up, i've been so anxious for this thing to be built.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

I do not think this project is ready for the start of construction in 1st quarter 2008 (maybe 2nd quarter). And I am not trying to be picky. From my understanding and knowledge the design is not 100% complete (and when I say design I mean more than just the architectural exterior). I believe they have enough information to probably start excavation, foundation and core utilities, but there are other design obstacles that need to be completed. I understand Clark in the construction manager, but I do not think they have any trade contractors working under contract to build the project at this point. I say this project may get underway late Spring/ early Summer, but they are close. Usually when you see delay on interior designs, it is indication of stalling for funding or permits.
Re: South Station Tower - Full Steam Ahead!

Not really Transporatation practical, but I always pictured a gondolla ride between North and South Station.
