South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

I thought that Au Bon Pain had went out of business!! :eek:

That photo showing Au Bon Pain is from the Ashkenazy website. I can't remember if the Au Bon Pain was there last week or not. As I mentioned, it looked like many of the stands were empty. I did notice the Starbuck's is no longer there.

Searching the Au Bon Pain website, South Station is listed as an active location: Au Bon Pain | South Station
I found a typical plan, it's a fairly large core.

Yeah, but they've incorporated functionally useful and necessary stuff, like restrooms, that you'd have to have somewhere anyway, within the core.

More detail and examples here; for instance, Floor 32 has rest rooms and a game room within the core (see slide 8):
South Station Tower | Floor Plans & Test Fits
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Perhaps it is the perspective, but that tower floor plate seems so small compared to the core.

When the State Street tower was going up, I thought the same thing. That core was also quite large compared to the floor plate.
