Take Back The Streets (...and alleys)

The killer is the fire station at 392 Hanover, Boston Fire Department Engine 8 Ladder 1.
Thanks. Yeah, I've heard that before about the fire station, but I haven't seen a good explanation why that is actually a problem. It looks like you could have 10 feet on each side of the street for café space, and leave a 30+ foot wide path down the middle for pedestrians and emergency vehicles. If a firetruck needs to come through, pedestrians get out of the way. Just like cars do now, except the pedestrians can get out of the way faster than gridlocked cars.

What am I missing here?
A pernicious and deeply cultural status quo bias that looks for any reason to NOT do something rather than picking a vision and committing to it. I love your idea, sounds great. Someone is going to complain about parking and mention how long they’ve lived in the neighborhood and that’s it.
Cambridge City Council recently voted to open part of Memorial Drive as a park for full weekends this year. But it looks like Mass DCR, which controls the road, isn't actually closing the road, at least on Saturdays.

Mass DCR, which controls the road, isn't actually closing the road, at least on Saturdays.
Just a note that this fight to keep Memorial Drive open to bikes and pedestrians is still going on. There's a rally in the park this Saturday.
Amazing that there isn’t already one in Rozzie Square.
Birch Street is already permanently pedestrianized. Usually Rozzie Village Main Streets sponsors a couple of events that close Poplar Street. I guess if it's already happening through local activism, the city doesn't need to get involved?
Then came COVID. In a bid to help small businesses, and draw customers from their homes, city officials closed Moody Street to vehicular traffic and allowed patios to sprawl out onto the pavement. The thoroughfare became a destination, a model quickly copied by other cities throughout the region.
In summertimes since, Waltham has continued to experiment with the al fresco concept, shutting down the street for several months or on varied nights of the week. Now, the city’s studying a more permanent approach, making Moody Street one-way — either north or south — or closing it to cars entirely and creating a pedestrian mall.
