The Hub on Causeway (née TD Garden Towers) | 80 Causeway Street | West End

The residential tower and hotel are a go; however, they are technically "Phase II" of this development, and the office tower is "Phase III". The FAA permit downburst shared before is consistent with plans for "Phase I", which is the podium only. You'll notice the FAA doc only calls for a ~300 foot crane... the residential tower for Phase II will be much higher than 300 feet.

So in other words, no towers being built at this site for at least 5 years or more? And if they miss this cycle, which seems likely, we could be looking at a decade or more. I know others prefer that these towers don't get built in this cycle so we (hopefully) get something better than what's been proposed. Bu that's wishful thinking if you ask me and I rather see these get developed before 2025 even if that means we get what has been proposed.
Not me the podium is the bread and butter of this and as long as we get the streetscape who cares about the towers for now. Yes we need office/residential space, we are getting a shit ton if it already. This isn't just some random spot in the middle of the seaport this is the northern gateway to Boston and will be forever once built. Quality matters here. If it didn't than why didn't we built 30 one beacons all over the city....because it matters.
I appreciate the skepticism, but I can't imagine that they would cap the podium roof, pay additional construction coats to reopen it years later, then build the next phases years from now.
I never would have though they would demolish the middle of DTX and then leave it looking like France after ww2 for a decade either. Not saying its gonna happen...but crazier things have happened. Not to mention the economy always fluctuates through growth and shrinking cycles and were due for some shrinking in a few years. Hopefully not tho.
I never would have though they would demolish the middle of DTX and then leave it looking like France after ww2 for a decade either. Not saying its gonna happen...but crazier things have happened. Not to mention the economy always fluctuates through growth and shrinking cycles and were due for some shrinking in a few years. Hopefully not tho.

Stick -- have a bit more faith -- Boston Properties is not Vornado --BP has a very positive relationship with the eponymous city -- the podium will get built this cycle

as to the rest -- that is done a much higher pay grade on the world economic stage -- right now while things seem to be slowing it doesn't feel like the window is close to shutting

Overall, I'd say 2016 seems a lot closer to 2005 than it does 2008
So in other words, no towers being built at this site for at least 5 years or more? And if they miss this cycle, which seems likely, we could be looking at a decade or more. I know others prefer that these towers don't get built in this cycle so we (hopefully) get something better than what's been proposed. Bu that's wishful thinking if you ask me and I rather see these get developed before 2025 even if that means we get what has been proposed.

Boston Properties has secured both a residential developer and a hotel already. The current plan is to construct the podium, the residential tower and the hotel without interruption. Obviously things can change, but it looks like "Phase 2" will be underway before the completion of "Phase 1" and commence some time in 2018.
Sure hope they finish all that disruption in time for the Olym......never mind :p
My only question is about the future of the TD Garden. These days arenas are being rebuilt every 30-40 years or so. When it comes time to replace the TD Garden (which is already 20 years old) how will they approach redeveloping part of the Hub on Causway? Any ideas?
They just redid the inside so that should have another 20 years on it left...after that most likely let it become the Fenway of basketball/hockey. We like to hold on to things so theyll probably just give the inside a refresh every 20 yrs until were all dead and then our grandkids can figure it out when its time. The redone interior is brand new and looks as good as anywhere and the hub on causeway is going to make the outside essentially brand new at the time of completion, so in essence we have a new arena. Structurally no but if maintained that can last a century, but when it comes to the fan experience were basically getting a brand new stadium. If you add it all up the Garden is right where it needs to be. Yea some of those new stadiums in the middle of a parking lot look cool, but the interior refresh, new developments in the area, hub on causeway, combined with the older buildings of the west end, in my opinion are going to create the best urban core stadium in the country outside of baseball. This part of the west end is being sewn back together and very soon will be knit back into the fabric of the city masterfully and there is no reason that an interior refresh every once in a while wont be all that it needs to last a very long time after that point.
My only question is about the future of the TD Garden. These days arenas are being rebuilt every 30-40 years or so. When it comes time to replace the TD Garden (which is already 20 years old) how will they approach redeveloping part of the Hub on Causway? Any ideas?

Celticsfan -- While 20 years old -- the TD Garden is modern construction with modern utilities and facilities

Since it opened it already had major upgrades in 2006-2007 and 2014-2015

Now as part of the work on the site of the old garden for the Hub on Causeway they will construct new entrances and do other significant renovations to the public areas on the front side of the arena

25 years from now you can just replace the non-structural curtain walls with OLED Screens, the seats, the concession stands, video displays -- and there need be no significant impact on the surrounding newer structures

And FWIW, Madison Square Garden is pushing 50 years, and it is still one of the best arenas in my opinion.
The current Madison Square Garden will forever be cursed with unfavorable comparisons to what it replaced.
Celticsfan -- While 20 years old -- the TD Garden is modern construction with modern utilities and facilities

Since it opened it already had major upgrades in 2006-2007 and 2014-2015

Now as part of the work on the site of the old garden for the Hub on Causeway they will construct new entrances and do other significant renovations to the public areas on the front side of the arena

25 years from now you can just replace the non-structural curtain walls with OLED Screens, the seats, the concession stands, video displays -- and there need be no significant impact on the surrounding newer structures

As I recall, when it was being designed and built, it had to have a non-standard size to fit within the space constrained by the old Central Artery elevated ramps to Storrow Drive. Now that they are gone, maybe they could expand it to standard arena size?
Isn't there a big fight in NYC right now to move MSG? Didn't they give them a certain number of years to find a new site and that has arrived?
There are a lot of people who want it to move so Penn Station can be expanded/unfucked. The city council last year (or 2 years ago IDR) renewed their lease for only a decade with the understanding, but not insistence, that it would give MSG enough time to figure something out. The idea is that it could be moved over atop part of the Post Office but this is totally conceptual and no actual plans have come out. Gov Cuomo's recent plan to expand Penn Station keeps MSG there but again this is just a concept and no details or costs have come out.
