How about this proposed reconfiguration of the I93-I95 interchange in Canton? I have only found half decade old documents about this:
This should have been built 30 years ago. The fact that the state never did anything to upgrade that interchange is awful. You have 95, a major highway, going down to a single lane and then into a cloverleaf interchange which makes a mess of things. This, along with several other key interchanges (93/95 in Woburn and 24 in Randolph are prime examples) need to be rebuilt and upgraded.
This was supposed to be the final phase of the roadwork around University Ave in Westwood. MassDOT is currently working on rebuilding and widening the Dedham Street overpass of 95 along with that stretch of Dedham Street from University Ave to the business park (where Trillium and the Salvation Army are located), which will include a new off-ramp on the northbound side. That project has been under construction for about 2 years now and still has 3 and a half years left.