Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

We need a decent neighborhood name for this strip of development along Somerville Ave between Wilson Square and Union Square. Maybe, Central Somerville Ave., Wil-U district (Wilson-Union)?

That being said, this makes me recall so much the La Ronga baked goods. :\

Pull a Nubian Square and call the neighborhood "La Ronga"?
We need a decent neighborhood name for this strip of development along Somerville Ave between Wilson Square and Union Square. Maybe, Central Somerville Ave., Wil-U district (Wilson-Union)?

How about Asylum? It sounds somehow like a T-stop name, and could pay homage to a soon-to-be-former denizen of the area, a la Lechmere.
How about Asylum? It sounds somehow like a T-stop name, and could pay homage to a soon-to-be-former denizen of the area, a la Lechmere.
Not so sure about Asylum....I know those Boston folk seem to think Camb-ervillens are /different/. But, y'know, I don't think that'll fly with the T management.

But, Artisan Square doesn't sound half bad.

Proposed replacement of old Thunder Road building at the edge of the Square. https://www.somervillema.gov/sites/...VE PLANNING BOARD SUBMISSION_1.29.21(3)_0.pdf
This would be, by my count, the fifth project on or around the stretch of Somerville Ave that begins and ends at either side of Bow Street.
That looks horrible. Would rather keep the old Thunder road building and have another music venue take it's place
For reference this is the Thunder Road building that would be replaced. Note it's only the 1 story portion and the 2 stories to the right is a different building, retained in the render above.
That looks horrible. Would rather keep the old Thunder road building and have another music venue take it's place
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Proposed replacement of old Thunder Road building at the edge of the Square. https://www.somervillema.gov/sites/...VE PLANNING BOARD SUBMISSION_1.29.21(3)_0.pdf
This would be, by my count, the fifth project on or around the stretch of Somerville Ave that begins and ends at either side of Bow Street.
What a crap rendering of decent materials. If it stays brick with copper, it'll be one of the nicer looking buildings on the block.

Not sure the purpose of the back patio- looks likely to become a trash storage area. With the amount of foot traffic of this stretch, this is a good spot for a setback frontage for better sidewalk seating.


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I could tell that was Khalsa, without clicking the link to the plans. That is the opening offer, and it will get reworked.
The front part is so narrow it almost looks like a movie set.
My God, so many overhead wires. It's Spaghetti Junction!
I kinda like them. It’s basically a visual marker that lets you know your not in Cambridge anymore… well that and the sharp decrease in tree cover.

Both things? Yes. Characteristics of Mogadishu.
