Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

I'm also happy to be getting a crosswalk at Franklin (badly needed) and a chunk of Cobble Hill's useless no-trespassing-signed green space opened up to public use.

Edit: And a sidewalk down New Washington! I'll actually be able to walk the kids to see the dogs without dodging trucks from the light industrial down the street.

And, if the Friends of the Mystic to the Charles Connector have their way, we'll also be getting a grade-separated bike path along New Washington, from the three-new-developments at Sullivan all the way to Brickbottom and beyond. They have a little information on their website here: https://mystictocharles.weebly.com/
Bow St Condos, 2nd level framing.
Somerville Ave apartments, level 4 framing. I think there’s to be a 5th level identical to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and then a final 6th that is set back. Also, I like how it is beginning to further contain/enclose Bow Market.
I think this may be one of the more interesting new develops in the sq! A nod to history/place and an example of cutting edge passive house tech.

In the back of the Somerville Ave apartments - looks like the flood catch basins that were promised to the neighborhood are going in. I think I recall something like 50 million gallons…does that sound right?

One thing though: shouldn’t the top of the basis be lower than the building’s foundation?

Demo in progress at 71Union Sq, Beer and Wine. Soon to be a dispensary storefront with 2 levels above. Apparently they drove that excavator through the front door? Also, the diesel exhaust emanating from there was intense. Can’t imagine what it’s like inside.


Demo in progress at 71Union Sq, Beer and Wine. Soon to be a dispensary storefront with 2 levels above. Apparently they drove that excavator through the front door? Also, the diesel exhaust emanating from there was intense. Can’t imagine what it’s like inside.

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off topic but the roof of the indo would make a great 3 season beer garden.
Isn't that actually the plan for the pizza place a few doors down? ~63-65 Union? I thought that was getting a rooftop beer garden. I can't find the post on it now though...
