Visualization of MBTA expansions over the years


Active Member
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Some time within the last year I cam across an awesome visualization of every expansion of the T since its way back when it all began with the first subway.

I somehow managed to not bookmark this. Does anyone else know what I'm talking about? If you do, do you have the link?
How come nothing's been said on this board about some guy's Kickstarter / NYC maps project?
Thanks! I had no idea the whole thing was going to be about me. I have no problem with that :)
Re: Way to go Van!

Congrats! Though this is a weird forum to place this in...will Van even see it? Or will be be FORCED to see it because it'll be his duty as moderator to move it, making this post's location more clever than I initially thought? Only time will tell.
The name is a nonsense word he made up in high school and used because he figured — correctly, obviously — that the domain would be available.

Finally, the answer to the question I've always been afraid to ask.
Re: Way to go Van!

Just saw that and quickly came here to see the reaction!
Re: Way to go Van!

Or will be be FORCED to see it because it'll be his duty as moderator to move it, making this post's location more clever than I initially thought? Only time will tell.

Re: Way to go Van!

Congrats! Though this is a weird forum to place this in...will Van even see it? Or will be be FORCED to see it because it'll be his duty as moderator to move it, making this post's location more clever than I initially thought? Only time will tell.

Where did I put it? I thought it was in the same forum he "moved" it to with this merge. And though I am clever enough to plot in the way you've described, I completely lack any motivation to follow through.
After all these years, I refuse to believe your name is Andrew Lynch and not Andrew Vanshnookenraggen, or perhaps Van Shnookenraggen.
