Why does Boston mostly build wood townhouses

stick n move

Oct 14, 2009
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One thing I noticed is that most of the new townhouses especially in southie are mostly wood exteriors. Theres plenty of precast and faux materials going around in the city why hasn't it caught on in the neighborhoods. In my opinion theres too many triple deckers, and wood in general. The triple deckers serve their purpose and are not going anywhere, but new development is pretty corny lately. I think we should be adding more buildings like these especially on the main roads. Bringing the style everybody loves further into the neighborhoods would be great. Obviously limestone is too expensive these days but there are cheaper alternatives that look great. IMO there should be much more brick and brown stone esque styling as well. Even whitewashed brick looks great.

Here is an example of a Faux limestone exterior.

^ Is that from Chicago? It looks like a style of slender single-family detached housing that is popular there.
I 100% agree with you. Triple deckers aren't attractive haha.
Wood is cheap. It is also the New England vernacular. A lot of people build their private houses to mimic the houses in the neighborhood or styles that they have seen/grew up with and liked.
NYC banned construction of wood buildings after a fire in the early 19th century, otherwise they too would have them. Jersey City and Newark also have triple deckers.

I suspect there's more brick etc further south due to the clay tidewater soils.
Here is an example of a Faux limestone exterior.


Very interesting, building, IMO. High ceilings and big windows = win. Too many houses around here suffer from low ceilings and tiny embrasure-sized windows.
