Winthrop Square Garage Demolition | Downtown

You can't even ask questions or get insight to project or developer without getting attacked.

Its insane.

Currently right now Winthrop Garage is still a garage. I asked questions concerning the developers previous development which has gained National media which could affect this development in the long-term.

I feel like I'm dealing with Antifa movement.
So to sum things up....
The buzz in the Boston is that Antifa is trying to get Amazon to come to Winthrop Square to turn Boston into a sanctuary city. Did I get that right?
You lied about some sort of buzz bullshit, made irrelevant political comments (as usual), repeatedly raised a discussion of a tower on the other side of the country that has been hashed out ad nauseam on this site, refused to answer legitimate questions about your supposed sources, and played the victim when anyone raised any of this.

And perhaps worst of all, the grammar and spelling remain as atrocious as ever.
Welp looks like its about that time for a render/photo/anything else dump. Im gonna go to step 4.......




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And again remember in the community meeting video the man from Millennium running the powerpoint said that this isnt even the final design yet but its close.
Amazing Renderings -----This is a great addition if this happens

This fits perfect.
Yup, I like how it's tucked in between multiple buildings and also they're going to make the park better because as it is not its not very much of anything. Its also right in the FIDI where is where we need substantial towers like this. Right now this is a pretty insignificant area in a very important part of the city. You have this little park right in downtown with a parking garage across from it. Once this tower goes up and the park gets expanded this goes from kind of a no mans land to one of the most important areas in the city. Also its smart that they added the great hall allowing people to cross from one side of the tower to the other creating a passageway between streets where one did not exist before.
Turn on City Hall TV....

nimby empire spewing their epic bullshit again
Building looks dumb. I hate this project.
Haha, no, just commenting on the fat blob as previously rendered. Expect it will only look more stumpy and galumphing once they release the shortened version.
Again: This is not the final design as mentioned by one of the developers that was running the slide show at one of the community meetings. They said this is more to show how the building is going to be fit in between the surrounding buildings and what a tower would look like in the skyline in this spot, as well as how to fit the great hall into the tower. He said it is close, but not the final design as that is yet to be released. Yes it will be shorter now, which who knows what it was even rendered to in the first place seeing that they usually render towers shorter than they really are because of highest floor height- see 1 Dalton. So it may look the same height anyways as the renders depending on what they choose to do. We are still waiting for the final design for the tower. What height was this knocked down to again anyways I forgot?
Did you all catch the 7 hour epic on City Hall TV over the fate of 115 Winthrop Square and the dozens and dozens of public comments?
i completely understand that the design in the renders available is not "final," but i agree that it looks like a fat, uninspired fart. great location, need something other than the current/former crumbling and unusable garage, but the design -- as is -- sucks balls.
We just have to wait to see what the final design is. Until then we don't know what were getting. The only thing that blows is the height being reduced, thats a major fail. This is THE spot to go "tall". This one spot and then they can do whatever they want in the rest of the city, yet they punted. The downtown skyline is a sea of bland short boxes- as we all know and say over and over, and this was the one spot to shake it up. I could have sworn there was some agreement that they could go up to 775' because of how much money they were giving to the city, I don't know how now they reneged on that. This whole thing has been a clusterfuck for years and hopefully whatever they end up pulling off at least doesn't suck. Thats really all we can ask for at this point. What happened to them giving all that money for the height? I don't get how they can go back on that now.
We just have to wait to see what the final design is. Until then we don't know what were getting. The only thing that blows is the height being reduced, thats a major fail. This is THE spot to go "tall". This one spot and then they can do whatever they want in the rest of the city, yet they punted. The downtown skyline is a sea of bland short boxes- as we all know and say over and over, and this was the one spot to shake it up. I could have sworn there was some agreement that they could go up to 775' because of how much money they were giving to the city, I don't know how now they reneged on that. This whole thing has been a clusterfuck for years and hopefully whatever they end up pulling off at least doesn't suck. Thats really all we can ask for at this point. What happened to them giving all that money for the height? I don't get how they can go back on that now.

Its not up to the city, or state though - the FAA set the height limit and thats it - its pretty much a full stop, nothing punted or anything else anyone could do (other than the FAA).
Thats not necessarily true because the FAA has said in the past that they are willing to give exceptions in certain very limited circumstances. They said this all the way back when Menino wanted his 1000 footer. One single building is not going to block the radar and its not in the flight path so they were willing to give leeway on this site. I did not hear if they even tried here this time. That being said the building has been lowered to 702' which is barely taller than Millennium Tower and basically means our skyline will stay as a buzzcut for the rest of our lives.
So it looks like a dumb fat fart and sucks balls. Excellent critiques.
