[ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

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Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Meh. Not bad I guess. The height still wont pass though. I'll eat my hat if we get 600'+ here...
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Wasn't the whole point of the building ("the Arch") to allow views to the Harbor? This zig-zag design blocks the Harbor views from the Greenway. It almost seems like a step backwards.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Those look like they could be interesting buildings, but I agree with tmac9wr, they close off the harbor rather than opening access. This doesn't seem like the right proposal for this spot.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

I wonder if wind coming off the water has affected the design...But wouldn't the crooked design just create an insane wind tunnel in between the towers?
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

I can't imagine that the passage between the two towers will be particularly appealing to pedestrians. Maybe I'm wrong and there will be some fancy lighting or design feature to draw people in, but in the massing shots, it looks like the entrance to a dark cave. I am interested to see some more detailed renderings though.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

that initial design was so bold...anything just a letdown
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Am I the only person who remembers seeing these "new" renderings probably over a year ago? They were dismissed because Chiofaro was refusing to abide by the actual proposal process set by the city (which, granted, is a bunch of BS but that's what I remember).
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Reminds me of the Cira Center (and the new Cira Center South) in Philly.


Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Am I the only person who remembers seeing these "new" renderings probably over a year ago? They were dismissed because Chiofaro was refusing to abide by the actual proposal process set by the city (which, granted, is a bunch of BS but that's what I remember).

I thought it looked familiar.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

that stump would be slightly taller than Cira...the waterfront would be quite ominous with that gigantic wall of buildings
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Perhaps our reaction is what Chiofforo is going for?
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

That location needs something fun and funky like the Torre Agbar...not something out of the Star Wars evil empire..
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

That location needs something fun and funky like the Torre Agbar...not something out of the Star Wars evil empire..
I'd go for that, but would add another 100 feet. 574 to 600 feet would make a real statement.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Pederson's original proposal was much cooler than these generic-looking geodes. They already look dated. Architecture has already moved on from this type of thing, case in point, SOM's latest in Kuwait City.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Pederson's original proposal was much cooler than these generic-looking geodes. They already look dated. Architecture has already moved on from this type of thing, case in point, SOM's latest in Kuwait City.

what does that remind me of??? it's on the tip of my tongue...looks identical to another building if you fill in the middle
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

That location needs something fun and funky like the Torre Agbar...not something out of the Star Wars evil empire..

Yea but remember it has to be financially viable. The lower the BRA/Menino/NIMBYs cut this thing, the more hulking and Vader-esque it's going to become.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

That looks perfect for the Filene's plot.
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