[ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

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Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

IP is hands down the best development in the downtown area in my opinion.

Surely you jest!!

A few decades ago on a cold morning (I think it was feb) -- I was leaning on the wall of the Fed Low Rise when the old Travelers was imploded -- when the dust cleared -- someone exclaimed the dynmited the wrong building I thought that they were taking down IP -- everyone chuckled and then we thought -- you know that might have been an improvement

My votes for recent (last 50 years) buildings in Boston (no parrticular order):
1) John Hancock Tower
2) Rowe's Wharf
3) Re-do of South Station
4) Re-do of Quincy Market
5) Re-do of Pru retail and Hynes

anyone else have a top 5 list
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Surely you jest!!

A few decades ago on a cold morning (I think it was feb) -- I was leaning on the wall of the Fed Low Rise when the old Travelers was imploded -- when the dust cleared -- someone exclaimed the dynmited the wrong building I thought that they were taking down IP -- everyone chuckled and then we thought -- you know that might have been an improvement

My votes for recent (last 50 years) buildings in Boston (no parrticular order):
1) John Hancock Tower
2) Rowe's Wharf
3) Re-do of South Station
4) Re-do of Quincy Market
5) Re-do of Pru retail and Hynes

anyone else have a top 5 list

I couldn't vision the city of Boston without IP in the skyline.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Surely you jest!!

A few decades ago on a cold morning (I think it was feb) -- I was leaning on the wall of the Fed Low Rise when the old Travelers was imploded -- when the dust cleared -- someone exclaimed the dynmited the wrong building I thought that they were taking down IP -- everyone chuckled and then we thought -- you know that might have been an improvement

My votes for recent (last 50 years) buildings in Boston (no parrticular order):
1) John Hancock Tower
2) Rowe's Wharf
3) Re-do of South Station
4) Re-do of Quincy Market
5) Re-do of Pru retail and Hynes

anyone else have a top 5 list

I second that.

Johnson, who designed IP, disavowed it a few years after completion. I believe he called it "a little too much wall paper..." (referring to the windows, I think.) I've come to like IP the same way I came to accept the Pru (though IP is a hell of a lot more fun a building, hands down!) -- because it has become a part of our cityscape. It is certainly a significant element in any view of our city from the water. It's PoMo extravagence is kind of endearing to me now. I've come to like it.

Also, always had a warm spot for Stubbins' Fed Reserv. Wish the plaza was a little more user friendly, though.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

I'll grant that over time Ip has acheived a certain level of acceptability -- particularly from the harbor or Logan

In fact as long as you don't have to count the Paladian Windows it isn't bad from much of the Greenway

As for fed plaza -- everything in that landscpe is there to keep bombers from having access to the building -- when they were building it -- it was quite a project -- its not every garden bench with foudation pilings -- nor is there a concrete bunken under most hills in the average landscape
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Does that mean Menino is moving the project forward or just taking down the Cannoli?
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Epic video. Loved it... "More Palladian windows than Venice"
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

what the hell was that all about!?

why does this even exist!?
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Apparently Chiofaro and Menino have made up.

Best line:
"The Philistines at the BRA told me that it would cast a shadow on the Greenway, that it would cast a shadow on the food trucks and make the sandwiches cold."
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Did this really happen? Am I seriously awake right now?

Does this mean... we MIGHT see an Aquarium Tower?
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

If one reads the credits at the end, Menino played himself, an actor played Chiofaro, and the video was produced for some organization's event in town.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

I love the concept of the video, The only disturbing part was that the actual mayor was in it.
Either the Mayor is trying to break the ice with Chiofaro or he is mocking the developer's plan for the garage.
I still can't believe the Mayor actually played himself in the video.

I think we can all say we have seen everything play out for this development process except the actual development of the building.

Too much politics involved in this.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

I love the concept of the video, The only disturbing part was that the actual mayor was in it.
Either the Mayor is trying to break the ice with Chiofaro or he is mocking the developer's plan for the garage.
I still can't believe the Mayor actually played himself in the video.

I think we can all say we have seen everything play out for this development process except the actual development of the building.

Too much politics involved in this.

The only part disturbing is that the mayor admitted to approving development based on who he likes.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

The only part disturbing is that the mayor admitted to approving development based on who he likes.

Actually While I loved the video -- It shattered my vision of reality

I was certain that Don Chiofaro was himslef and that they found some actor who looked a bit like Mumbles and with an excelent makeup job -- we saw the Godfada / Mayah

When I read that Mumbles played the Godfada -- i says to myself --Self so is the rest of the stuff -- when he mumbles and butchers the English Language an act as well -- while not a Shakespearian actor -- he read the lines wih competance

Who Knew?

Next thing someone will try to tell me that Papelbon is a Philly, Theo went to the Cubs and Pluto is not a planet
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Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Wow, how did that slip through the cracks? While it's not as ambitious as the first design, the massing on the second design still looks to be quite nice. However it's still very tall. I'm all for the height, but will the city approve this?

Hopefully we'll see some more detailed renderings soon.
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