[ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

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Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Back to the topic at hand.


Photo credit here.
Is that photoshopped, or did they really put that banner over the building?
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

^Henry Alan

It's a photoshopped trial balloon / proposal from an artist in the North End, published in a Waterfront & North End blog in September.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Roses are beautiful, right? And lighthouses are beautiful, right?

But Potemkin-village screening of a building with an un-ironic image of a lighthouse ... that misses the mark by a mile; it's both comical and sad.

Borrowed glory is never artistically valid.


The guy who proposes this calls himself an artist? Did he learn nothing in art school?

The garage as is is a thousand times better.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Why not a Pei pyramid for Pei's garage?

day view

night view

gnomes would change the image twice a day.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Hah, you know the history of that right?
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

No, Pei proposed that same design for the JFK Library back when it was supposed to be in Harvard Sq and the people of Cambridge flipped out.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

^Are any old renderings? Where(street) was this project located?
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Would have been about where today's Harvard JFK School of Government and Charles Hotel are. Formerly an MBTA Red Line storage yard.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

And the overall design (from the renderings I've seen) contained interlocking glazed pyrimidal forms and vertical elements similar to what was ultimately built at Columbia Point.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

The gnomes could even put up a winter vista when it also snows in Boston.

Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

The plot thickens...

Commonwealth Magazine said:
Chiofaro and the BRA’s Meade are talking

The Boston Redevelopment Authority and developer Don Chiofaro are talking again.

Chiofaro has been trying for years to redevelop the Harbor Garage on the Greenway into one of the city’s tallest towers, but he hasn’t made any headway. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino can’t stand Chiofaro and the BRA has largely ignored him ever since it set a 200-foot height limit for the garage site. Last fall, when Chiofaro proposed a new, smaller building design that topped out at 615 feet, the BRA’s spokeswoman said “we will not use scarce resources to respond to the latest PR scheme for this site.”

Both sides went silent after that, although the Globe’s Brian McGrory reported last December that Chiofaro was toying with the idea of complying with the 200-foot limit by plunking 12 stories of condominiums and apartments on top of the existing 80-foot garage.

Now the two sides are talking again. Peter Meade, who took over as BRA director in April, has met with Chiofaro at least twice, once at Chiofaro’s offices and once at the BRA. Sources say nothing substantive has been worked out, but the two sides are at least talking and listening to each other.

Meade makes it sound as if it’s no big deal that he would sit down with the mayor’s least favorite developer. He says he has been meeting with everybody around town. But he quickly adds that he’s looking to find common ground with Chiofaro on the Harbor Garage site.

“I told Don that I’d like to have something reasonable built there. If we can agree on what’s reasonable, let’s move ahead,” he said.

Meade didn’t answer directly when I asked him if the city’s 200-foot height limit for the site was hard and fast. “I want to talk and see where things go,” he said.

Kairos Shen, the BRA’s chief planner, sat in on one of the meetings with Chiofaro. Meade says Shen’s presence carried no particular significance, but Shen is the person at the BRA who batted away Chiofaro’s past proposals and articulated the agency’s opposition to building a tall tower on the site.

“I’m not a person who wants Boston to stay the same, but I want it to evolve within its genetic code,” he told CommonWealth last year. “I can see the future, but I’m respecting the past. (Chiofaro) wants our DNA to be transformed into the super cities in Asia.”

The normally chatty Chiofaro took my call, but when I told him what I was calling about, he said he had to go into a meeting. One of his associates called back later to say that he would have no comment other than to confirm that he had met with Meade and the meeting had been “very cordial.”


(emailed to me, so no link)
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

"I’m not a person who wants Boston to stay the same, but I want it to evolve within its genetic code,”


(Chiofaro) wants our DNA to be transformed into the super cities in Asia.”
How about Providence Rhode Island.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Chiofaro has a big balloon payment coming due. If he hopes to re-finance that, he needs to show progress. Plus, he has 677,000 sq ft available at One IP, and 70,000 sq ft available at Two IP. That's as much commercial space as he was going to build at the garage.

That's Chiofaro problem. He does have the right idea for the garage. Shen is fucking moron.

Does Fan Pier fit the Genetic code since they are building biotech box buildings with the help of 72 million in taxpayer dollars??
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

I have lots of great ideas for buildings in Boston, but much like Chiofaro I don't have the money to build them nor tenants to fill them.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

I have lots of great ideas for buildings in Boston, but much like Chiofaro I don't have the money to build them nor tenants to fill them.

Either did Liberty Mutual or developer Joe Fallon and last but not least developer Hynes which just got the approval for Seaport District.

That is why we are paying for their developments.
The sad part is Liberty Mutual has plenty of money.

still in the end Chiofaro made an effort to help the city more than those developers or corporations did.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)

Only in small minded New England is 600 ft in 2011 a super structure mega city.
Re: The Boston Arch (Aquarium parking garage)


still in the end Chiofaro made an effort to help the city more than those developers or corporations did.

Chiofaro doesn't have the money, doesn't have the tenants, and certainly never had $50 million to give to the city if the city would only permit his tower.

Chiofaro never began negotiations with the residents of Harbor Towers who have him by the gonads because of their property rights with respect to his garage. Until he starts those negotiations, nothing he says, or promises, or does can be taken seriously.

I put him in the same b.s. league as Frank McCourt; two peas from the same pod.
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