Richard Davey named new CEO for Boston 2024
Hopefully this should go a long way toward ensuring really smart transportation upgrades.
Richard Davey named new CEO for Boston 2024
Hopefully this should go a long way toward ensuring really smart transportation upgrades.'s National Secretariat of Public Safety is responsible for overall security at the World Cup (as well as the 2016 Olympics being held in Rio de Janeiro) with help from the Brazilian Intelligence Agency, FIFA, the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Organizing Committee and the Brazilian justice and defense ministries. Brazil has committed roughly 170,000 troops and police to be deployed across the 12 host cities to better guarantee safety at the tournament. About 150,000 personnel will come from the armed services and police, and 20,000 security guards will be trained and work inside the stadiums. An additional 15,000 FIFA volunteers will be distributed among the host cities to assist tourists with basic information about the matches, host cities, transportation and the like. intercepting the “spokes of the hub’’ with a circumferential line that would, among other things, connect Columbia Point to Dudley Square, the Longwood Medical Center (and its jobs and health services) to Brookline Village, Allston to Harvard Square and Somerville, without several T transfers? That would be useful long after the Olympic torch is extinguished.
The real kickers though are twofold. First, every single Olympic Games has experienced massive cost overruns. The Summer Games have an average cost overrun of 252 percent in real terms since 1976 — that would put Boston’s final cost at $28.5 billion, not counting the separate infrastructure budget.
Second, the International Olympic Committee requires that the implementation of the final bid be financially backstopped by local government in case private funding falls short. [City of] Boston’s budget is $2.7 billion.
FK4 you seem to have totally forgotten that South Boston is right next to it with no highway in the way and the Broadway red line stop is pretty close especially if they provide plenty of pedestrian connections to Broadway which it looks like they plan to. It isn't as convenient as the seaport or downtown no but it is at least as convenient as Beacon Yards and arguably more so as it has a convenient and direct connection to the red line.
Was the Tea Party Museum wrapped in plastic like a winterized boat to create one of those modern islands in the Fort Point Channel?
I'm still trying to wrap my head around "Midtown" -- not because I hate it (although, I do) rather because it is wedged between South Boston and the South End. How does this equate to a "Midtown" at all?
Since it's between South End and South Boston how about renaming it SouthLand![]()