Four Seasons Tower @ CSC | 1 Dalton Street | Back Bay

Does the podium/ground level have any retail space?

IIRC the restaurant and bar are several levels up in the podium. Lease restrictions from the Christian Scientists prevent any visible retail at the ground level, particularly any establishment serving alcohol.
Boston Globe: Zuma vs. Zuma: In name dispute, court finds in favor of Faneuil Hall Tex-Mex joint

I 100% called this:
I'm looking forward to the trademark suit from the local Faneuil Hall Tex Mex joint! But seriously, I wouldn't be surprised to see this open under a different name.

(E.g., Mario Batali's pizza place in the Seaport matches his "OTTO" brand better than his "Babbo" brand, but he uses "Babbo" in Boston because of a trademark dispute with a local chain.
welp... worst suspicions proven true. no lit-up tree/logo/anything.

When’s that lit-up logo on the top gonna show up?
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fsbostondalton's profile picture
@chreeeees_ unfortunately the light would pour through the residential walls so we didn’t move forward with the lighted logo :("
welp... worst suspicions proven true. no lit-up tree/logo/anything.

When’s that lit-up logo on the top gonna show up?
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fsbostondalton's profile picture
@chreeeees_ unfortunately the light would pour through the residential walls so we didn’t move forward with the lighted logo :("

I saw that this morning :( I refuse to believe we couldn't engineer a solution for that by say, backing the lights in a dark, lightproof material?
welp... worst suspicions proven true. no lit-up tree/logo/anything.

When’s that lit-up logo on the top gonna show up?
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fsbostondalton's profile picture
@chreeeees_ unfortunately the light would pour through the residential walls so we didn’t move forward with the lighted logo :("

Knew it. Too predictable. Wish I was wrong.
Does anyone know what the hell is taking so long to finish the exterior of the building (not talking about the elevator/zipper. Why does nothing change? You'd think they would want to finalize it ASAP.
Knew it. Too predictable. Wish I was wrong.

Yep. Everyone knew it. Too predictable, Boston sop.
Everyone wishes they were wrong. No, they never are.
with stubby flat roof construction, the light bounces off vapory foggy Boston,
and blows back on the billionaires' dwellings as urban, nocturnal glare.

181 Fremont;

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I saw that this morning :( I refuse to believe we couldn't engineer a solution for that by say, backing the lights in a dark, lightproof material?

my follow-up response on insta was along those lines. there absolutely are solutions and it's weird that such an expensive project would cheap-out at the very end. although we saw similar with MT not following through on "capping" the roof as per the renders. frustrating, though. it's a minor detail, but i think it'd make 1 dalton considerably more appealling, overall.
We dont need more light pollution guys. Stars arent the enemy.
We dont need more light pollution guys. Stars arent the enemy.

Yeah, we were just one step away from becoming this:


(Hong Kong, every night at 8pm)

It's a good thing we didn't take that step.
Can anyone name 1 major city in the WORLD with a skyline that's darker at night than Boston's?
Can anyone name 1 major city in the WORLD with a skyline that's darker at night than Boston's?

albany, barcelona (other than the torre agbar) is pretty dark, rome's many churches are nicely lit but it doesn't really have a "bright skyline" at night, and while at street level it's very bright and lively new orleans' actual skyline is dim.
