Fenway Center (One Kenmore) | Turnpike Parcel 7, Beacon Street | Fenway

Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Not sure about the rest, but Bay State Road has architectural protection comparable to Back Bay.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

"I've always like the tall yellow building in the center anyone know if it once had a crown at the top?"

Yes it did have projections at all the areas now sheathed in steel. BU owns that building and it would make a world of difference visually for quite a large area if they'd spend the 30k it would take to at least replicate what was removed with a bronze dipped aluminum, EIFS, vinyl, or GFRIC system. Why Fenway/Kenmore/Audubon Circle/Baystate Road don't have architectural preservation/renovation guidelines is beyond me.

I am going to date myself here, but wasn't Fathers Too in that building?

I always liked the way it punctuated that corner, too. Oakland has a number of buildings that resemble it. I always think of it when I see them out here. One of them has (had) a bar at street level.

The area around this development is more land mass than Pike air rights than I thought. Now I understand why ablarc was decrying the open scar ... pit ... over the Pike that remains even after this project is built out. However, from the Pike master plan map I saw, other developments are scheduled for adjoining segments nearby over the open Pike.

Another grim design element of this and other projects like it--the bigger the open/available, developable space is, tends to dictate that developers see nothing but an opportunity for hulking footprints to fill that kind of available space, rather than considering a finer grid of streets. Vast expanse = vast buildings.

Before I realized these don't straddle as much of the highway as I expected, I was going to temper my earlier rant and give a slight pass to the design. I've changed my mind after seeing the empty lot pics. This is nasty planning.

Also, I recall the Sox organization made the bulk of the development shift to the west of the Park in order to alleviate any obstructions while looking north from inside the Park. That's why the massing sucks, too.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I am going to date myself here, but wasn't Fathers Too in that building?

Yes, it was. Now it's PJ Kilroy's.

In rare instance of not being on message, the Red Sox staff have confirmed and Larry Luchinno has denied they are concerned about construction affecting the way balls carry in the park. I would have like to see the wind models on this proposal.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

"I've always like the tall yellow building in the center anyone know if it once had a crown at the top?"

Yes it did have projections at all the areas now sheathed in steel. BU owns that building and it would make a world of difference visually for quite a large area if they'd spend the 30k it would take to at least replicate what was removed with a bronze dipped aluminum, .

Are you sure? I dont think theres any indication on it marking it as a BU building

Yes, it was. Now it's PJ Kilroy's.

Kilroys has been closed for over a year, the base is now empty, and its entirely possible that the entire building is. Theres always a contractor crew on site working on something, but I dont know what. I say contractor and not construction becasuse its just some guys in jeans cerrying wood planks in and out
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Kilroys has been closed for over a year, the base is now empty, and its entirely possible that the entire building is. Theres always a contractor crew on site working on something, but I dont know what. I say contractor and not construction becasuse its just some guys in jeans cerrying wood planks in and out

What!? I obviously don't walk that stretch of Beacon often enough (I usually T it to St. Marys). Wow, I wonder what's going on.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

What!? I obviously don't walk that stretch of Beacon often enough (I usually T it to St. Marys). Wow, I wonder what's going on.

Same here, but its been happening for months, so I dont know.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

State may absorb $30m on project built over Pike
By Casey Ross, Globe Staff | August 20, 2009

Governor Deval Patrick?s administration is offering to absorb up to $30 million of a developer?s cost to build a mammoth complex above the Massachusetts Turnpike, in hopes of jump-starting construction over the highway after the most recent effort, Columbus Center, stalled.

The financial support would help John Rosenthal begin construction much earlier on the $450 million Fenway Center complex, giving the state an opportunity to collect rental income over the life of a 99-year lease with him.

The state had hoped the nearby Columbus Center project would by now be generating revenue, and setting the pace for a larger building boom in the air rights over the highway. But that $800 million condominium, hotel, and retail development stalled last year due to a lack of funding.

?The turnpike needs a win,?? said Peter O?Connor, head of real estate for the state Executive Office of Transportation. ?There has always been a feeling that these air-rights parcels had inherent value, but I don?t think anyone has ever proven that point.??

With aid from the state, O?Connor and Rosenthal said, they are optimistic that construction on Fenway Center can begin next summer. The developer had expected to begin work on only one small part of the project next summer, with the goal of tackling larger buildings in the coming years.

Fenway Center?s four buildings would contain 800,000 square feet for apartments, stores, and offices, as well as a 1,300-space parking garage and retail building near the ballpark.

Rosenthal?s Meredith Management Corp. submitted the only bid in 2006 to develop four air-rights parcels and land between Kenmore Square and Fenway Park.

The plan has some of the same complexities as Columbus Center, but Rosenthal?s project is much easier to design and build, O?Connor said. For one thing, half of it is on land, reducing the size and cost of the deck that will be built over the highway. There are fewer rail lines to build around - two compared to seven for Columbus Center - and neither one is electrified, which simplifies construction.

But perhaps most important to Fenway Center?s odds of success is the Patrick administration?s willingness to help pay for the higher costs associated with building over the turnpike, rather than on the ground. Instead of requiring Rosenthal to pay the full cost of the deck, the state would pay up to $30 million toward that additional cost.

The financial arrangement would work like this: The state, instead of requiring a large upfront lease payment from Rosenthal, would get a percentage of the development?s profits once it is completed. Then, the state would deduct its share of the deck construction costs from those profits, in the form of a rent credit to Rosenthal. Once the extra cost of the deck is paid for, the state would be paid the full amount of the profits for the remainder of the 99-year lease.

O?Connor said the Turnpike Authority does not yet know how much it will earn in lease payments, nor does it have a cost estimate for the deck.

The deal is much different from the one reached for Columbus Center, whose developers would have had to pay the full cost of a $220 million deck, plus $13 million in lease payments during construction. That project?s proponents also received and then lost commitments for subsidies from the state.

Rosenthal?s other funding source is the Boston Red Sox, which is a minority partner and has invested millions of dollars in the project. The garage over the turnpike would provide game-day parking. The Sox?s involvement would also give it say over how the development would affect access to Fenway Park, as well as views from inside the ballpark. The New York Times Co., owner of the Globe, owns 17 percent of the company that owns the Red Sox.

The development also includes upgrades to the MBTA?s Yawkey train station as well as a new access road. The road work and train station would be financed with $24.5 million from an economic stimulus bill approved by the Legislature in 2006.

Rosenthal has also applied for $52 million in tax-exempt federal bonds and asked the City of Boston for permission to defer property tax payments for several years.

?We would like to get a tax relief agreement to help us in the early years during construction and prior to full occupancy,?? Rosenthal said.

The director of the Boston Redevelopment Authority, John Palmieri, said the city is considering the Fenway Center help, but only if it is clear the development can move forward.

?We want to make sure that whatever assistance we make available, it results in a built project,?? he said. ?It?s important that we take a hard look at that before we commit to anything.??

The city committed more than $14 million to help Columbus Center get off the ground, only to watch it come to a halt after running into financial problems.

Rosenthal said he is trying to iron out the financial details to ensure the same fate won?t befall Fenway Center. He said he has a preliminary financial commitment from the AFL-CIO?s housing investment trust and has reached a deal to lease more than half of the space in the parking garage to the nonprofit group that handles operations for Longwood Medical Area.

?This is a makeable putt for us,?? Rosenthal said. ?I feel very confident that we will begin building Yawkey Station next summer, and that we will immediately follow that with the first phase of our development, including the apartments, garage, and retail stores.??

Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

?The turnpike needs a win,?? said Peter O?Connor, head of real estate for the state Executive Office of Transportation

How about the poor taxpayer who continues to work for Peanuts because you beaurcrats devalue our hard working dollar.

Nothing more than communism now people. We have the elites and the poor people.
It would really help if our elected officials learned how to balance budgets, and not give our money to private developers who end up reaping all the benefits.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

In my mind, the problem with these amounts offered in order to push development foward is that they are so small; if the developer accepts the funding they will probably be more inclined to build cheap.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

^I guess those people who build it, work in it, live in it, shop in it, and eat in ate are all being tricked by monolithic communism once again.

I think this is more accurately described as an investment in infrastructure. Financing anything is incredibly hard these days, and the state helping in this way seems to be a win win. State makes money, developer makes money, people in it make money, people spend money (people consuming = 70% of US economy), developing over the turnpike seems to be a possible, turnpike gets covered up.

Rifleman, I agree with your frustration with the corruption that goes on in government. But when these allegations of communism pop up everywhere it just gets annoying. The American government has always and will always function not to control people like communism, but give them incentives to do certain things. The government didn't build the suburbs, but they made them possible with highways. The government didn't pay for people's homes, but they guaranteed 90% of their mortgage which allowed lenders to accept a smaller down payment, as oppose to the 33% they required in the 20s. You can throw all of your trash on the side of the road, but the $1000 fine is there to provide the incentive to do different.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

?The turnpike needs a win,?? said Peter O?Connor, head of real estate for the state Executive Office of Transportation

How about the poor taxpayer who continues to work for Peanuts because you beaurcrats devalue our hard working dollar.

Nothing more than communism now people. We have the elites and the poor people.
It would really help if our elected officials learned how to balance budgets, and not give our money to private developers who end up reaping all the benefits.

You just contradicted yourself. The goal of communism is to eliminate social classes and ruling classes. It's to make everybody equal. Having elites and poor people is the complete opposite.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

he is a material dialectician who is against socialism....

don't see that too often...
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I still don't see what is so bad about having a few socialist ideas in our government. Public Schools, Social Security, Welfare, etc are all socialist programs. Without them, the country would be a whole lot less intelligent, many of our elderly will have no source of income, and those who fell in hard times will have nothing to help them rebound.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Hi. Anyone know Marty Walz's phone number? I want to call her to find out where she'll be protesting the use of state and city money for this project, just like she did on Columbus Center. I mean, she must be against it and willing to go to extremes to stop it, just like she did with Columbus Center. I mean, she wouldn't do something so blatantly political, would she??
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Well said John. Will be interesting to see how Marty spins this . . . .
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

Hi. Anyone know Marty Walz's phone number? I want to call her to find out where she'll be protesting the use of state and city money for this project, just like she did on Columbus Center. I mean, she must be against it and willing to go to extremes to stop it, just like she did with Columbus Center. I mean, she wouldn't do something so blatantly political, would she??


I can't wait to run into her to ask the same question.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

"You just contradicted yourself. The goal of communism is to eliminate social classes and ruling classes. It's to make everybody equal. Having elites and poor people is the complete opposite."

Communism is about control, not equality, there is always a ruling elite in 'communist' societies which determines whom is more equal than others. The whole enterprise is merely cloaked in populist and Utopian rhetoric to con the masses into self-enslavement under a new set of masters.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

I disagree with you brothers. This smacks of incipient corporatism, not commumism.
Re: Fenway Center (One Kenmore, Mass Turnpike PARCEL 7)

"You just contradicted yourself. The goal of communism is to eliminate social classes and ruling classes. It's to make everybody equal. Having elites and poor people is the complete opposite."

Communism is about control, not equality, there is always a ruling elite in 'communist' societies which determines whom is more equal than others. The whole enterprise is merely cloaked in populist and Utopian rhetoric to con the masses into self-enslavement under a new set of masters.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others...
