Recent content by Wonk

  1. W

    Boston College Master Plan

    They've been pushing off the McElroy replacement question for a long time. There's no easy solution that won't disrupt the main campus for the duration of whichever option they choose. They're going to have to make a hard call and when they do it will consume a lot of their development...
  2. W

    North Station, Charles River Draw, & Tower A

    That's correct. Adding a third span, among other things, enables the use of tracks 11 and 12 resulting in an expansion of North Station capacity.
  3. W

    Franklin Park - White Stadium Renovation

    Has a new cost estimate for Boston's portion been released yet, or are they waiting for the bidding process to complete? The most recent version posted on the city website is the old $91m figure, but wasn't it reported that Dion Irish said it was up to $100m now?
  4. W

    North Station, Charles River Draw, & Tower A

    The bridge replacement is designed to allow use of the two existing tracks at North Station that are currently not in service (11 and 12). The MGH building would be unaffected. The parking would get shaved a bit, however. Engineering plans here.
  5. W

    Multi-Family Zoning Requirements for MBTA Communities

    Are we for or against triple deckers?
  6. W

    Franklin Park - White Stadium Renovation

    Ironic, women's soccer is a close second and the leader for girls. And while we're at it, let's close all the DCR ice rinks, too.
  7. W

    Franklin Park - White Stadium Renovation

    Well, it would certainly be the most expensive by construction cost and apparently Boston's portion alone would move into top three in the nation. As much as maintenance will be paid by the NWSL for the first ten years, the cost of upkeep on a $200M facility after that (when larger repairs...
  8. W

    Franklin Park - White Stadium Renovation

    It's for Boston to decide, but from a non-resident's perspective it seems like the choice (question) is about whether the good deal being offered is an affordable one. If I can only afford $250k house but someone offers to pay half of a $1m house, I still can't afford it. It does sound like...
  9. W

    USPS Complex | Fort Point

    I guess I'm meaning that the Dukakis et al argument never focuses on regional rail. And, in my mind, a NSRL connection would be a nice to have in a Regional Rail system, but having a Regional Rail system isn't dependent on having a NSRL connection. Going back to the 10-20 billion project...
  10. W

    USPS Complex | Fort Point

    Anecdotally disagree. Having used Commuter Rail into the city for 20 years and worked with lots of others who do as well, no one hops in a car after getting off at NS, SS, or BB. You walk or hop on the subway. And anyone who is driving in now isn't going to be convinced to use the CR because...
  11. W

    Northeastern University Multipurpose Athletic Facility | 262 St. Botolph Street | Fenway

    Is that possible to do above an arena building? Are there any examples of towers directly above arenas, or rather towers with an arena on the lower levels?
  12. W

    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    No discussion of the loss of the historic tank farm infrastructure? The developers should be required to keep the largest ones in place, and no new structure should exceed the shortest in height to keep the celebrated sightlines from both Route 16 and the Boston Autoport. Also, Boston should...
  13. W

    Cape Cod Rail, Bridges and Highways

    Not sure if serious? It cost the state 2.3 billion to build a 4.3 mile surface trolley extension on an existing ROW. The cost to fill in the Cape Cod Canal (17 miles) would be in the multiple, multiple billions of dollars considering the volume of material, labor, equipment, environmental...
  14. W

    Potential Exelon Mystic Station Redevelopment | Everett

    Taking into account the substatation along Alford is remaining, where on the property owned by Wynn could a stadium be located while keeping any of the existing structures? (Hint, they can't remain). Maybe the pro smokestackers should focus on a faux solution like the "lighthouse" at Gillette.
  15. W

    Boston College Master Plan

    They're both on Newton Campus. Law school renovation, and replacement for the athletic hut by the fields.
