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  1. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    I've been looking at it with the Mods and I'm not sure what the issue is. The TOU listed here is the generic Xenforo terms. I didn't write it. Pretty much the same kind of thing you find on all sites. Read it carefully. You own the copyright so we have no right to sell it. And as I've indicated...
  2. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    Try looking at this now and let me know @statler @MjolnirMan @Equilibria
  3. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    The original set up is that you haven't looked at a thread in the last 30 days it sends you back to the first page. This has been changed to a year. Let me know if this is how it is behaving for you.
  4. SkyriseCities

    archBOSTON Update: A New Dawn

    We've added Arlington, Beeline and George_Apley as moderators. Expect a couple of more.
  5. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    Working on it.
  6. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    The TOU issue will be addressed next. Frankly I didn't really think of it as a big issue. Might be a Canadian thing since we don't legalize everything. The TOU has never been an issue at UT. And UT is much larger site than aB is. Until it is looked at let me reiterate we don't sell photos. They...
  7. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    I understand that some of you are still upset but please relax on the hyperbole. We've done a significant amount of work to modernize this site. With more to come I should say. We've done more in a few months than the previous team did in a very long time. I've indicated in the other thread...
  8. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    @Justin7 You have all the control over your content here as well. We're not doing anything with the photos here besides displaying them. Thanks for the post.
  9. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    Try it now @FK4. Photo limit now 16mb.
  10. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    Looking into it.
  11. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    I've been a little quiet lately but am paying attention to the comments. First step was switching to XF. Next step is fixing any issues.
  12. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    New system @EdMc so what vBulletin did is not relevant here. Just use the attach files button and do it that way. And yes there's a limit. Loading 76 photos at once is not good for page loading and not good for the readers.
  13. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    You want to post a new thread? @EdMc
  14. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    Its supposed to take you to the most recent post you haven't read. @Downburst
  15. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    You can only drag one image at a time. You can use the "Attach files" tool for multiples.
  16. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    Uploading images is so much easier. Just use the "Attach files" button below the comment box. Make sure to click "Full Image" once the image is uploaded and before you post the comment.
  17. SkyriseCities

    archBOSTON Update: A New Dawn

    Its a major step up from the old one isn't it. And not a major learning curve.
  18. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    I believe so. @odurandina
  19. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    We will be improving things over the next few weeks. Keep the comments coming.
  20. SkyriseCities

    XenForo Update

    Don't worry still tweaking stuff.
