Search results

  1. briv

    A Brief History of Kenmore Square, According to B.U.

    BU Today has posted a piece on the changing face of Kenmore Sq, including this slideshow showing the various state of the Sq. over the years: Judging from the comments following the article and the initial reaction over at UHub, the consensus seems to...
  2. briv

    The Kensington | 665 Washington Street | Downtown

    Re: Residences at Kensington I'd love to see you try to support this. Respectfully, I think you're nuts.
  3. briv

    Fenway Infill and Small Developments

    The proposed building (16-20 Peterborough) looks like an el cheapo piece of shit. The loss of the two retail spots would be really unfortunate for the neighborhood though.
  4. briv

    Cambridge Crossing (NorthPoint) | East Cambridge/Charlestown | Cambridge/Boston

    Re: NorthPoint Cambridge (The one that was train yards, the big plan.) LINK
  5. briv

    Waterside Place 1A | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

    Re: Waterside Place Tremont on the Common on the Waterfront.
  6. briv

    Seaport Square (Formerly McCourt Seaport Parcels)

    I feel like my head is going to explode just looking at this.
  7. briv

    Forest Hills Village | Jamaica Plain

    LINK What's with the seemingly arbitrary gaps between every few buildings?
  8. briv

    🔷 Open Thread

  9. briv

    Best New Development of 2012

    The criteria for this award has been "best project completed in the previous year"--2012 in this case. One of the major shortcomings with such narrow constraints, IMO, is that during years of less development sometimes projects can be elevated beyond their worth, and, inversely, during years of...
  10. briv

    Fan Pier Developments | Seaport

    The fact that they're all the same exact size makes them seem to blend together into one humungous squatty building rather than three discreet squatty buildings. It also creates a mind-numbingly boring skyline. Even a minor variation in roof heights would have worked wonders I think.
  11. briv

    Welcome to the 2012 archBOSTON Awards!

    Welcome to the 2012 archBOSTON Awards! Nominate your choices for each award in their respective threads: Best New Development of 2012 Best Proposed Development Best Photo Worst New Development of 2012 Worst Proposed Development Worst Empty Parcel Hall of Fame Hall of Shame A permanent section...
  12. briv

    Best New Development of 2012

    All members are encouraged to nominate a Boston area project* completed in 2012 that they believe is deserving of special recognition for its positive impact on the built environment. Previous winners: 2011 Liberty Wharf 2010 Emerson College's Paramount Center 2009 (2-way tie) Puma City...
  13. briv

    Best Proposed Development

    All members are encouraged to nominate an active proposal for a site in the Boston area not under construction that they believe could make the biggest positive impact on the built environment. (A proposal cannot win two years in a row) Previous winners: 2011: Simon's Copley Residential...
  14. briv

    Hall of Fame

    Members are encouraged to nominate an existing building, park or piece of infrastructure in the Boston area that they believe makes a positive, integral contribution to the built environment. These deserve special recognition and possess attributes worthy of emulation in future projects...
  15. briv

    Hall of Shame

    Members are encouraged to nominate an existing building, park or piece of infrastructure in the Boston area that they believe diminishes the built environment. These possess attributes that should not be replicated and should serve as a model for what not to do in future projects. There...
  16. briv

    Worst New Development of 2012

    All members are encouraged to nominate a Boston area project* completed in 2012 that they believe is deserving of special recognition for its negative impact on the built environment. Previous winners: 2011 No Award 2010 No Award 2009 One Marina Park Drive 2008 Rose Kennedy Greenway...
  17. briv

    Worst Proposed Development

    Members are encouraged to nominate what they believe is the worst proposal for a site in the Boston area not under construction. (A proposal cannot win two years in a row) Previous winners: 2011: Suffolk Downs Casino 2010: Urban Ring Bus Rapid Transit 2009: Anti-Shadow Legislation 2008...
  18. briv

    Worst Empty Parcel

    Nominate what you believe is the most detrimental vacant lot in the Boston area. Previous winners: 2011 North End Municipal Lot 2010 Former Boston Garden Site 2009 Former Filene's
  19. briv

    Best Photo

    Nominate your favorite photo posted on archBOSTON in 2012. Previous winners: 2011 (2-way tie): Bridges Crossing by Boston02124 And... Beacon Hill Blizzard by Piggiston 2010: Fiery Skyline by Boston02124 2009: Too Much Halloween Candy by kz1000ps 2008: Hole in DTX by Endus
  20. briv

    2012 awards!

    Sorry for the delay. The holidays have been crazy for me. I'll try to get these up by tonight.
