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  1. F

    The paradoxical effects of progressives and urbanism - article and book / and discussion

    I thought I would make a new thread for this article (which I just read) and book (which I just ordered). While I do not entirely agree with all the premises, this author captures an essence I have long observed and wondered about: the fact that the most progressive neighborhoods who...
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    Squares + Streets

    I was amazed to realize there is no thread on this on aB and moreover, that there aren't really any threads regarding urban policy in Boston or other cities that I could find. I also am not sure where to put this thread—it's neither a "development project" nor architecture/transit related...
  3. F

    Post-Covid Travel Patterns and Solutions

    This thread asks: what has changed in travel and commuting patterns pre- to post-pandemic? Ridership remains 60-70% what it was pre-Covid, and yet at the same time, traffic all across the city is worse than it's ever been. Why is this? I haven't really seen any satisfactory analyses of either...
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    Dedham Developments

    Surprised that there isn’t a thread for Dedham. I don’t have pics but saw two different large-appearing projects on Washington, near the Dedham-Boston line. Figured I’d mention.
  5. F

    Abandoned railroads and rights of way

    I saw two pair of fieldstone abutments on the Charles yesterday way out in Medway and Millis and figured out they belonged to the Medway Branch Railroad, which only existed 1852-1863 or so. You can't even see the old ROW from aerial, it's been abandoned for so long. Does anyone have any...
  6. F

    Unbuilt roads around metro Boston

    I didn’t see anything on this so making a new thread. Perhaps when aB gets the eventual reorganization we’ve been talking about, there can be a sub-portal to all unbuilt infrastructure projects. Anyway, I have this map on my wall and have always been curious about why a road that could only...
  7. F

    Archboston revamp

    It appears all threads related to making a new forum, then the subsequent discussion of revamping this site instead, have been deleted... I am confused.
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    Ecology/Environmental issues, preservation, resources in Greater Boston

    I wanted to start a thread specifically devoted to the natural environment and ecology in the Boston area. I was thinking this would be a place to - discuss any issues of environmental threats, related or not related to specific developments or proposed projects - ideas about preservation -...
  9. F

    Jackson Square Phase III | Jamaica Plain

    So I drove by this today and had no idea what it was. I was totally unaware that this had been approved and was u/c - I thought nothing for this next Jackson phase has been finalized at all - it’s two buildings and will be a huuuge victory for this area. Still not sure what the electrical...
  10. F

    Fred Salvucci @ Harvard Gardens (Bar) Won’t be anything new, but figured I’d share...
  11. F

    Roslindale Arboretum Gateway Path

    This has been discussed on here before, but I do not believe it has its own thread, and I think it deserves one. I don't have time right now to upload all the images and links, but it's sponsored by Walk-Up Roslindale and has the support of the city and cautiously, of the Arboretum. I am not...
  12. F

    Downtown Crossing (MBTA Station)

    I don't think there's a dedicated station thread for this. There was a flurry of discussion on this board during the Millennium construction about how we all wished part of that project included a rebuild of DTX. The only thing I've seen or heard about this even being considered is a local...
  13. F

    Kendall Square

    I'm starting this thread as a general discussion on what the Kendall Square area needs - really an overall forum to encompass retail, housing, architecture, urban design, and transportation infrastructure — but, regarding the latter, major discussions on public transit improvements or urban ring...
  14. F

    Port Norfolk Park | Dorchester

    I don't know where to put this, since new parks are neither infrastructure nor developments, really... but the Port Norfolk Park has been open for a few months now and is incredibly nice. At first glance it seems a little too much of green lawn, but there are many stands of baby trees that in...
  15. F

    Everett and north metro Boston transit

    This was shared in another thread... I think the region in general has pretty bad traffic so if other proposals happen they can go here as well...
  16. F

    The Loop @ Mattapan Station | Mattapan

    Not sure if anyone saw this one...
  17. F

    Quinzani's Bakery Site | South End H.N.Y.
  18. F

    Books about Boston development, architecture, and urbanism

    This thread might not get much use but I was thinking that it might be nice to have a place to list good books people have read and would Recommend to other readers about all things urban in Boston. Since it's a small subject, I would also include books about the history and culture of the city...
  19. F

    Assembly Sq <-> Casino Footbridge
  20. F

    Replacing the Tobin with a tunnel

    Well this thread might not get too much action but I was just thinking how much more sense it would have made for a tunnel under the mystic - why this wasn't done in not really sure, since it must've at least been a lot easier than tunneling under the harbor. It's not gonna happen, but nice to...
