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Asian Longhorned Beetle Confirmed in Boston

For Immediate Release
July 06, 2010
Released By:
Mayor's Office
For More Information Contact:
Environmental & Energy Services

Sightings of the Asian Longhorned Beetle (ALB) have been confirmed on the grounds of the Faulkner Hospital in Jamaica Plain. This is the beetle that eats through and destroys trees. Mayor Menino was joined by federal and state officials to address the situation at a press conference this morning. The infested trees have been removed. The surrounding area was surveyed and no additional infestation was found. A 1.5-mile radius ?Restricted Area? has been imposed around the site. It is critical that no type of wood be removed from this restricted area to prevent the beetle from spreading. The city will host a community meeting with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on Tuesday, July 13 from 6-8PM at the Franklin Park Clubhouse on Circuit Drive in Franklin Park. If you have questions or want to learn more about the ALB please check the link Pest Alert on the Asian Longhorned Beetle. To report a possible ALB sighting call the USDA's toll free hot line at 866-702-9938 or use the website.

Report a Possible ALB Sighting

More Information from the US Department of Agriculture

Press Release Issued by Mass Department of Conservation & Recreation


Six infested trees in Jamaica Plain removed this morning represent first confirmed Massachusetts presence of ALB outside Worcester County

BOSTON - Following the discovery of Asian longhorned beetles (ALB) in six trees in Jamaica Plain this past weekend, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Ian Bowles, Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino, Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Commissioner Richard K. Sullivan Jr. and other federal, state, and local officials today announced plans to further investigate the source and extent of the infestation, and scheduled meetings to inform local residents and businesses about the effort.

?We understand that news of the ALB presence in Boston will be a concern to the community, and we are working as quickly as possible to determine the extent of the issue,? said EEA Secretary Bowles. ?So far, only six infected trees have been found here, and they were destroyed this morning. We have a highly trained and skilled team with experience in the eradication efforts in Worcester, and the situation is in good hands.?

Over the weekend, federal officials from the US Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) confirmed the presence of the invasive beetles in six trees on the grounds of Faulkner Hospital in Boston?s Jamaica Plain neighborhood. Early this morning, they removed those trees and ground them into chips to kill any adult beetles or larvae. The six infested trees in Jamaica Plain represent the first confirmed ALB presence in Massachusetts outside Worcester County, where the invasive species was discovered in August 2008.

The ALB is believed to have come to the United States in wooden packing crates originating from China several years ago. The beetles bore into the heartwood of a host tree, eventually killing the tree. The beetles have no known predators in this country.

Since their discovery in Worcester in 2008, $50 million in federal and state money has been spent to eradicate the beetle, and 25,000 infested trees in the Worcester area have been cut down in an effort to halt the spread.

?We are engaging all our partners, including the US Department of Agriculture, city of Boston, town of Brookline, and other municipalities and agencies to educate the public on the ALB and solicit their help in reporting and dealing with it,? said DCR Commissioner Sullivan. ?We have set up a community meeting next week for the public, and a training session this week for anyone involved in the wood and wood products industry to answer questions and keep everyone apprised of procedures and progress in the infested area.?

The community meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 13, from 6-8 p.m. in the Franklin Park Clubhouse on Circuit Drive in Franklin Park.

An education session for those involved in the wood and wood products industries will be Thursday, July 8, from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Franklin Park Clubhouse on Circuit Drive in Franklin Park.

?While we are hopeful this is an isolated and contained incident, the City of Boston considers this issue to be very serious and we are taking every step to protect our trees by pulling together city, state, and federal resources,? said Mayor Menino. ?After last year?s incident in Worcester, hundreds of volunteers were trained to survey trees. Together with professional arborists, we have been proactive in searching for the ALB in major areas like the Arboretum. These areas will again be searched by the US Department of Agriculture and, combined with a community meeting and training session scheduled for this week, I am confident in our plan to handle this incident in an efficient manner.?

DCR officials already have declared a regulated area around the site where the infested trees were found. The area extends in a 1.5-mile radius from the site. No wood or wood products are allowed to leave that area. (A map of the area is attached with this press release and also can be viewed at www.mass.gov/dcr.)

For property owners clearing limbs or other wood debris from their yards and properties, and anyone else wanting to dispose of wood, a drop-off area will be set up within the regulated area. The location and any additional details will be posted on www.mass.gov/agr/alb.htm as soon as a location is determined.

To report suspicious tree damage, view photographs and videos of tree damage, or read about the Asian longhorned beetle, visit www.mass.gov/agr/alb.htm or call the toll-free Asian longhorned beetle hotline at 866-702-9938.

The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), an agency of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, oversees 450,000 acres of parks and forests, beaches, bike trails, watersheds, dams, and parkways. Led by Commissioner Richard K. Sullivan Jr., the agency?s mission is to protect, promote, and enhance our common wealth of natural, cultural, and recreational resources. To learn more about DCR, our facilities, and our programs, please visit www.mass.gov/dcr. Contact us at mass.parks@state.ma.us.


- http://www.cityofboston.gov/news/default.aspx?id=4682
At least it's not termites. Imagine the streams of sawdust pouring out of the Mayor's ears.
This is potentially very bad, actually. Get ready to say goodbye to all the nice street trees along VFW Parkway, not to mention streets closer downtown.
Funny except for the 95% that mocks people trapped in unfortunate circumstances.
Ha, I vaguely recall that one. Yeah, I see that they're aping the style, though at least one big difference is that the people who made the Cleveland video were definitely mocking themselves.
This is potentially very bad, actually.

I know. My old gig was at Radcliffe, working with the Landscape Design program (now the Arboretum Landscape Institute). I'm sure my former colleagues are deeply concerned.
could'nt fine a state house thread? today from Ashburton st
This is potentially very bad, actually. Get ready to say goodbye to all the nice street trees along VFW Parkway, not to mention streets closer downtown.

Luckily the Greenway has no trees and will thus outlast this Asian Longhorn Beetle outbreak. That was brilliant foresight on somebody's part! :rolleyes:
IAM seein this STRANG touristica vid makes the FUN of us peeples here

I don't get it, why did the wannabe thugs who made the video take the time to watch a gay parade? It's like they are in denial of something.
Keep grinding that ax dude. Maybe someday, somewhere, someone will care.
Keep grinding that ad hominem ax dude, someday people will care when they start reading some history, or that article and all of the comments, which you likely havent.

If you think that the continued relative decline of America as jobs and technology are exported and stolen is a great thing for this country, your nieces, nephews and children of your relatives, then why not go to the middle of Boston and tell everyone that. :)

And let the rest of us who actually want to discuss the issue actually discuss it. Something you can't.
Isn't there some chinasucks.com forum you can go haunt instead of constantly bombarding us with this stuff?
If you were a regular contributor who posted on-topic throughout the forums I wouldn't really care, but this is pretty much all you do.
It gets old. Sorry.

Not to mention it really bothers some of our members who actually do contribute useful discussion to this place.

Oh, and what I posted wasn't an ad hominem attack. You might spend your days rescuing orphans from burning buildings and adopting stray puppies, I have no idea. But your posts generally consist of nothing but spam, shitty drawings and links to articles about how awful China is. That's ax-grinding.
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