🔹 What's Happening With Project X?

Does anyone know the estimated opening for the GLX? I haven't been able to find an updated schedule.

TySmith -- there is no estimated opening because the Project has no current timetable -- MassDOT is currently waiting for some approvals from DC on the the revisions to the design and the associated new proposed budget

Floating in a state of suspended animation or a "Medically Induced Coma" would be the appropriate metaphor
Does anyone know the estimated opening for the GLX? I haven't been able to find an updated schedule.

There is literally no work going on right now. Even tangentially related projects have either finished or are no longer being worked on. The only thing which *might* still be ongoing is the Millers River-related drainage projects, but I believe those have also concluded or stopped.
“The truth is we don’t know whether and when we can make it work at 900,000 square feet,” he said. “But if that’s the hand we’re dealt, we’re damn sure going to try.”
I don't mean to exude impatience; I'm just curious from a project management standpoint: can any work be done on the the support truss system in parallel with the ADA entrance? Or does it entirely involve top-down work/digging in the area in front of the current ADA entrance?

My understanding is that they have to close the current ADA entrance at Stuart Street for the truss work. So it cannot start until the new entrance is completed.
What's going on with the old Middlesex courthouse in east Cambridge?
Great points, as always, stellarfun:
you (& colleagues) are making a convincing case for a drastic garage reduction, but we shall see whether Chiofaro is truly chasing Moby Dick or not...
Maybe we will see a 600-space garage, with 300-spaces buried and 300-spaces tastefully ascending in to the podium/base of tower...maybe that would be a viable compromise....

i was informed by one of the kingpins at IP (yesterday), they're going for as close to the 1400 number as they can do.

Taken aback i used the term 'super-engineering' because of the Atlantic Ocean nearby, and he laughed and said, "well...."

i could repeat the rest of what he said, but the Harbor Garage thread has been locked, and it would only take us down another fun round of discussion of holding back the ocean in the construction of the future building on the same thread.

in the meantime, nothing can be done.

in any case, i hope they call Suffolk Construction to handle the somewhat super engineering
Anybody know what's going on at the Salvatore Valente library in Cambridge between Berkshire and Willow Streets on Cambridge Street? Work there seems much more involved than I would expect for a typical "renovation".
Is a discussion on the New England Aquarium potential expansion and the Blueway allowed to happen? Someone posted the article in the development thread but it's shut down.
Is a discussion on the New England Aquarium potential expansion and the Blueway allowed to happen? Someone posted the article in the development thread but it's shut down.

There are a lot of question to answer first. Right now this seems like a NEAQ pipedream. If it turns into something more than that we should open it up, but right now it's basically pointless wankery.
Seems to be some recent stirring about Parcel K in the Seaport / Innovation District

Anyone have anything to report
Herald covered the proposal changes this AM


More hotel rooms. Changes to the hotel and residential amenities. Fewer parking spaces.

JeffDowntown -- thanks
PARCEL K 315 Northern Avenue
South Boston, Massachusetts

I found the Parcel K Notice of Project Change document as
Submitted to: The Boston Planning & Development Agency [formerly called the BRA]
Submitted by: Parcel K LLC, PPC Land Ventures, Inc., and Lincoln Property Company

its a 10 MB download with a bunch of new renders


Timetable is start of construction in March 2107

This will be large enough [just under 500k sq ft in two buildings plus "Urban Terrace"] to deserve its own thread

It is also likely to trigger a rush to build on Silver Line Way air rights -- and offers the opportunity for completing the Silver Line under D tunnel to an underground Harvard Sq style Silver Line Way Station -- setting up an all grade separated quick turn Silver Line route and a depot for regular buses to the rest of South Boston
JeffDowntown -- thanks
PARCEL K 315 Northern Avenue
South Boston, Mass

Timetable is start of construction in March 2107

This will be large enough [just under 500k sq ft in two buildings plus "Urban Terrace"] to deserve its own thread
Westie, we aleady have a thread for this project.


I wonder when they will rename this portion of Northern Ave to Seaport Blvd? Seems bit supid not to run Seaport Blvd right up to the entrance of the Marine Industrial Park or even extend it to Drydock 3.
For the no fun guys; please excuse this FYI;

at some point, may be worthy of it's own thread;

1938 redux: Major Hurricane about to hit the Carolinas/Long Island/New England.....

Each pasing minute; this one's looking more and more like a nightmare for somebody. It's way bigger than Sandy.... It's forecast to take an almost identical path. However, it's also looks similar to the cat 3 storm (a cat 5 when factoring the speed of the storm's movement) that accelerated and slammed Long Island and New England in 1938 before having any time to weaken.... The waters it will be traveling over are extremely warm, and the storm is already huge and mean.... It's taking a path that could see very minimal weakening as it crosses the Windward Passage *(between Cuba and Hispaniola)..... The one difference; it's about 10 days later than the 1938 Storm and the waters off Long Island/RI are a bit cooler.

The 1938 Hurricane killed nearly 1000 people and put parts of Long Island, the coast of Rhode Island incl Providence up to 35 feet under water. The projected path of this monster could turn out to be quite similar.

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^its still a week out. Hurricane forecasts are unreliable this far out. Theres still a good chance that it'll go out to sea. Of course there's also a chance it could hit us directly.
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^its still a week out. Hurricane forecasts are unreliable this far put. Theres still a good chance that it'll go out to sea. Of course there's also a chance it could hit us directly.

TySmith -- Note not just Hurricane Forecasts -- try Climate Modeling 100 years into the future or FutureCast about 3 days in the future

All of them use the same basic equations for the atmospheric fluid dynamics and the same types of numerical approximation solvers. None of them can agree on much of anything more than a few computational delta T cycles into the future -- that's why they are "nicknamed" Spaghetti Plots.

On Mathew -- watch but don't panic unless the Storm is off the Outer Banks, still a Cat3 or above and heading this way in the next 24 hours
