10 World Trade | BGI Office Tower (Massport Parcel A2) | Seaport











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The renders were spectacular, but they really never accentuated the true greatness of this project re how DIRECTLY across from the BCEC entrance it is located. Holy moly, just look at Taketern's last 2 photos above.

In journalism parlance, the renders "buried the lede"!!!!!!

The interplay of this amazing project with the sweeping pedestrian bridges and futuristic archways directly in LOS to the BCEC main entrance will produce a 1+1=3 dynamic. This is MARVELOUS ubran planning/design. It will be a very vivid and memorable mind picture for millions of out of town BCEC convention visitors for decades to come. It's the very definition of "Putting your best foot forward". Bravo. Why the renders chose to completely ignore this is beyond me.
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The interplay of this amazing project with the sweeping pedestrian bridges and futuristic archways directly in LOS to the BCEC main entrance will produce a 1+1=3 dynamic. This is MARVELOUS ubran planning/design. It will be a very vivid and memorable mind picture for millions of out of town BCEC convention visitors for decades to come. It's the very definition of "Putting your best foot forward". Bravo. Why the renders chose to completely ignore this is beyond me.

As long as they look OVER the very odd triangular parcel on the north corner of Summer/World Trade Center Ave., and the lower level Haul Road and rail, which is basically a gravel pit abyss right now. I am very happy to see the project open up more useful public space in the tangle of ramps and roads but that is more for the benefit of Congress and B Street. The corner of Summer/WTC Ave is quickly evolving into Mass Ave/Boylston/Pike 2.0, where the city fills in EXCEPT one corner.
In a few of the pics, there's a steel framework that's being erected in the background. Which building will it be for? :unsure:
Doesn't it seem like the same equipment is just moving from one site to the next? Someone bought these at the right time and just rented or sold them to each of the next waterfront projects for the past 15 years.
Doesn't it seem like the same equipment is just moving from one site to the next? Someone bought these at the right time and just rented or sold them to each of the next waterfront projects for the past 15 years.

Why not? It would be pretty wasteful and inefficient if these were treated as disposable.
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Looks like a "bathtub" is being made around the building like at the World Trade Center in New York!! :unsure:
