10 World Trade | BGI Office Tower (Massport Parcel A2) | Seaport



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That website is excellent and provides well-defined updates on the construction. Curious to see if they hit the explicit delivery date as well. Nice to see such clear markers in the ground.
Looks like the core has risen & is awaiting the steel framework!! It will be very unusual looking in the fact that it will taper at the base of the tower, instead of at the top!! :)
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When I look at and take in this building's design along with everything else around, I can't help but think that the Seaport is the future go-to tech center for the nation, or perhaps the world.
When I look at and take in this building's design along with everything else around, I can't help but think that the Seaport is the future go-to tech center for the nation, or perhaps the world.
These developers must have been some of the last to secure their financing before rates shot up. Wish them the best but I would be nervous if I were them
The core looks like a huge tall building all by itself!! :)
unfamiliar with the necessity to paint some of this steel white... assuming some sort of anti-corrosive purpose, but why? I think this steel is "inside" the structure when fully built.
Possibly intumescent paint on exposed members? We'll know when the arch is sprayed with fire proofing and the white paint steel members are not.
Day by day, more steel is added to this unusual-looking tower! It should be something to behold!!!! :)
Possibly intumescent paint on exposed members? We'll know when the arch is sprayed with fire proofing and the white paint steel members are not.
This is my guess as well - they are exposed on this side in one of the first renderings.

